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Customer ratings for Scorpion ADX-1 Visor

Scorpion ADX-1 Visor

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Number of ratings: 16
Average rating: 4.8
5 Deutsch 5 English 1 Nederlands 2 Español 2 Português 1 Русский язык all
Vlotte levering , past perfect en dit voor de helft goedkoper tov in winkels. Het zwarte visier op een zwarte helm maakt het plaatje wel compleet!
Excelente qualidade mas risca-se derivado do design do capacete
O facto da viseira, quando aberta, encostar na pala do capacete acaba por riscar a viseira causando a perda do espelhado. A viseira tem um mês apenas e já apresenta desgaste do espelhado na zona onde encosta da pala do capacete. Embora a pala tenha uma pequena esponja não evitou a perda de tinta espelhada da viseira.
Отлично супер! Подошло для моего adx-1
Chickes Visier !
Sieht toll aus, passt super, das Pin-.Lock lässt sich gut
montieren. Alles prima. Montage kinderleicht, ohne Werkzeug,man muss nur eine Euro-Münze haben.
Great Visor
Just what I needed for my ADX-1, looks much better than the clear one, and give me extra sun protection for my eyes
Perfekte Ergänzung
Für den Sommer und die Optik ein wirklicher Gewinn.
Excelente calidad, original
Buena visera, aunque un poco más clara de lo que parece.
Excelent looks.
My helmet looks great, at daytime is good, when gets dark i can switch to clear visor. Fits perfect.
Gute Qualität
Einfach super in sonnigen Regionen!
Hatte dieses Visier für eine Tour in sonniger Region gekauft. Einfach super.
I did not use at the first stage this visor on my helmet and I had always fogging on the visor when I had tried this visor I really don't want to take off as it is efficient I will by two more for my other visors
Great Visor
Muito boa
Viseira com tonalidade escura mas permite boa visibilidade mesmo à noite
Good price
Replaced my clear visor. Put back my old pinlock insert, good to go. For those wondering usage of this light smoke visor at night, I have no problems. And of course, it looks better in daytime. Really hope for cheaper international shipping rate.