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Klantwaarderingen voor Bogotto V328 Xadrez Carbon Motorcross helm

Bogotto V328 Xadrez Carbon Motorcross helm

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Aantal waarderingen: 11
Gemiddelde waardering: 4,7
4 Deutsch 3 English 1 Français 3 日本の alles
Top Helm
Sehr schöner hochwertiger Helm, passt perfekt, für wenig Geld.
I used the helmet for the first time in a hare scramble race this weekend. The helmet fit well, the venting was good and that is very important with the heat here in Florida. The opening is large enough for my goggles to fit easily over my glasses.
Très beau produit!
Très satisfait de la qualité et la finition du produit!
Super Helm Preisleistung sehr gut
Good for this price
Quality not feels like a 400 EUR helmet but for this price is good enough. My only problem is the plastic part of the chin protector is movig and have to glue it with Loctite Gel but otherwise it is comfortable and looks cool. Thes size is OK. Not as spacious as a Suomy but not as tight as an Alpinestars helmet.
sehr gut
Preis Leistung sehr gut
hervorragend !
Ein echtes Schnäppchen, vor Allem, wenn man das Gewicht betrachtet. Der Helm ist wunderbar leicht und kann stundenlang ohne Druckstellen getragen werden....
Very good
So light and cool.
A size is just, but a little tight for me