Startpagina Motor Helmen & Accessoires Integraal Bogotto SH-800 Spaceman Helm Waarderingen

Klantwaarderingen voor Bogotto SH-800 Spaceman Helm

Bogotto SH-800 Spaceman Helm
  • 259,95 €
    69,95 €
    U bespaart 73 %
    • thermoplastisch omhulsel
    • ademende, hypoallergene voering
    • drievoudige ventilatieopeningen aan beide zijden op de kin

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Aantal waarderingen: 6
Gemiddelde waardering: 4
1 English 1 Français 2 Český 2 日本の alles
výborný, dobře vypadá, prostě sedí
On the net
Très beau casque, agréable à porter, bien fini pour le prix, seul bémol,, l'aération n'est pas top, et la buée devient gênante. Pas de possibilité pour un pinlock. Sinon j'en suis très satisfait.
Konečně do Helmy nefouka.. jsem spokojen
I bought this as a second helmet as the price was so good and I wanted I try the Bogotto brand. The helmet is fine, fits well and is eye catchingly different but it is let down by the visor. Almost as soon as you stop the visir will fog up, so you need to vent it and here it the problem, I find it impossible to do with one hand, especially in gloves. The hinges are very stiff but the worst point is there is only a single lift point, on the left side, which is too far to the rear. This means when applying pressure to lift the visor you're only lifting the left side/edge which does not break the seal from the front or right side. It should be in the front centre as on my other helmet. It's a disappointment as the helmet as a whole is cool and great value at a discounted price.