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Klantwaarderingen voor Dainese Dubbele borst beschermer

Dainese Dubbele borst beschermer
  • 55,95 €
    • Borst beschermer met inachtneming van pre standaard Pr-nl 1621.3 niveau 1
    • Frontale plaat in ergonomische vorm
    • innerlijke kern in geperforeerde Crash absorberen ® schok absorberend materiaal

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Aantal waarderingen: 9
Gemiddelde waardering: 4,1
4 English 1 日本の 1 한국의 alles
Was the size of the chest protector too? It does not fit my jacket.
Was the size of the chest protector too? It does not fit my jacket.
Great extra protection
Great extra protection to your jacket. Does not hinder the fit.
Grate protection, but hurts ventilation just a little bit
I like it.
모든 다이네즈 자켓에 범용 사이즈라
한쌍으로 여러개의 자켓에 사용해서 좋음
튼튼하고 딱맞게 끼워져서 사고 시 잘 보호해줄 것 같아서 든든합니다
Confortable and protective
I have these in my Dainese D-Explorer jacket. it steals a small ammount of the interior space, but nothing worrying although the jacket fits me snug.
The most importante thing, once in, I don´t feel it although it's a rigid piece of plastic and foam ...good design.
Fits very well and even in warm weather not very noticeable.
The order arrive within two weeks in New Zealand. The product fits very well into the chest pockets and takes a few days to get used to it but then its not noticeable and even in mid summer has very good airflow and I highly recommend these.
Great & easy