Strona główna Motocykl Odzież Rękawice Sport Berik Track Pro Rękawice motocyklowe Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Berik Track Pro Rękawice motocyklowe

Berik Track Pro Rękawice motocyklowe

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 15
Średnia ocena: 4,5
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Very well made
The gloves are as expected, very nice very bride colours as I like, a little bit to small for me I will required size up.
Highly recommended.
Great fit and look - very comfortable gloves
Great quality for the price!
+++ Gute Verarbeitung, Paßform richtig gut, Produkt wie Beschrieben +++
Handschuh habe noch nicht am Motorrad getestet ....... für mich ist der Handschuh von Paßform genial ..... weil ...... mir fehlt am Mittelfinger der linken Hand ca. 1 cm ....... an dem linken Handschuh ist der Mittelfinger auch ca. 1 cm zu kurz ..... daher die top Paßform ...... ich denke das ist kein Produktionsfehler .... das kann vor kommen wenn die Handschuhe in Handarbeit gefertigt werden .....
Guter Sporthandschuh Klasse Optik
Habe mir den Handschuh nach der Youtube Vorstellung von FC Moto zugelegt.
Klasse Produkt Vorstellung btw.
Normal habe ich Größe XL habe mich aber Laut vielen Kommentaren für eine Nummer Größer entschieden und passt wie angegossen!
Warum nur 4 Sterne ? weil leider der Linke Handschuh etwas Größer ausfällt wie der Rechte... warum auch immer ( und nein meine Hände sind auf Jeden Fall Symmetrisch :D).
Ansonsten Top Handschuh und Klare Kauf Empfehlung für BERIK !!
El material es bueno lamentablemente el color se corrió en la primera puesta, pero por lo demás se nota que la piel es buena. Un ligero detalle de costura en el guante derecho ya que tenía una pequeña abertura.
Top Ware!
배송이빠릅니다 적극추천합니다 마니파세요
Se acoplan perfecto, producto de calidad, recomendable 100x100.
super Handschuh zum günstigen Preis
Farbe und Passform wie Beschrieben
Boa qualidade
Depois de alguns kilometros luvas ainda nao muito confortáveis ...mas acho que mais algum uso e moldam se as mãos ..sao
.resistentes ...oferece segurança pelas protecoes e espessura d pele..
Excellent gloves
The leather is supple and the fit was perfect for me. I ordered one size bigger based on other buyer's feedback and from previous experience. The protection on the palm and fingers looks very good, equal to much higher priced equivalents that I've used. The wrist strap and velcro fastening are very good. Overall a nice designed glove with ergonomic shape for sports riding or racing.
The product is excellent, however
Received and tested the product. It is good quality from berik.
However, the left hand glove is smaller. You can tell by look at them, and when i put it on, its deffinately smaller, maybe 1 size down. Dont know if this is manufacturing error or human / shop mistake. The right hand glove has it tag attahed, and the size stated is correct. However, left hand glove doesnt have anything, so it is possible if someone mistakenly switch / put the wrong size into the original packaging (which is a resealable packaging).

Its deffinitely frustrating and will return. Unfortunately, they are not accept exchange anymore, which adding more frustration since i need to buy another one and pay the shipping again. Shipping alone is 1/3 of the product price. Huh...

Just hope the shop will be more carefull before sending customer items, and do the quality check beforehand.
Great winter gloves, full of protection all around. Very recommendable!
Son unos guantes muy bien terminados y muy buen precio