Strona główna Motocykl Odzież Kurtki Tekstylia Motorcycle City Jackets Revit Airwave 3 Kurtka tekstylna motocyklowa Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Revit Airwave 3 Kurtka tekstylna motocyklowa

Revit Airwave 3 Kurtka tekstylna motocyklowa

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Great quality summer jacket with nice light but not white colors
Love the jacket. Be aware of sizing - I mostly have Alpinestars jackets size L - this Revit fits exactly the same in the size M. Other than this - good quality, wanted grey summer jacket and only Revit had it.
top Jacke
Sehr gute Verarbeitung und Passform, die Funktionalität ist hervorragend, leichte Jacke mit sehr guter Belüftung und sehr angenehmen Tragekomfort. Rückenprotektor kann leicht eingesetzt werden, für die warmen Tage einfach top, die Jacke hat eine angenehme Länge und viele Taschen.
Good but beware of the size !
The quality of the jacket is perfect !! No wonder it keeps the owner fresh during summer but buyers should be careful with the sizes. I'm 178cm and 70kg, I always fit in M size but this jacket's M is kinda too SHORT and a little bit tight for me...So better try it before buying...
Gute Qualität, viel Auswahl,. Keine Geldabwicklungsprobleme dank Pay Pal. Bestelle gerne wieder hier,bevor ich mich in bekannten Motorradshops mit unvoölständiger Auswahl quäle
Fantastic Summer Jacket
Great lightweight jacket for Summer riding, quality is fantastic added the back protector for additional safety.
Be aware that the color white is silver with light shade of silver/gray. I was surprised that the color is not white. The fitment is exact. I would go from M to L however L will be too big on me maybe because of the back protector took some of the space. I decided to keep the Jacket regardless that it was not white. The back protector fits but not easily but the good thing it will not be moving around.
Top Jacke für die heißen Motorradtage!
Leder bei 35° ist auf Langstrecken einfach unerträglich, also habe ich nach einem Ersatz für die heißen Tage gesucht. Mein Revit Lederkombi war schon hervorragend, also habe ich mich wieder für ein Revit Bekleidungsstück entschieden und das war genau richtig. Trotz luftigem und leichtem Tragegefühl, ist Revit auf Sicherheit bedacht. Overall: Top Qualität zu vernünftigen Preisen, hält was es verspricht!
Buen producto a buen precio.
It is demanding stuff to wear while riding.
I have not used it on the way riding yet. I beleive it is for summer time. It looks good quality. I think chest protector will be required before ride.
시원하다 마감이 좋다 완벽하다
여름용이라 안에 뭘 더 입을것이 아니기에 정사이즈로 구매했다.
탁월한 선택이었다. 다만 안주머니의 마감으로 인해 배가 나온것으로 보이는 점은 살짝 아쉽다.
Airy and sturdy
Lots of airflow which is highly needed in tropical weathers and has the sturdiness that I prefer
One size small
The jacket has typical enrty level Revit quality. Not less or more. I thing there is problem in sizing. I typicaly wear M size or sometimes S in USA products but this jacket is bit tight. I'm 173cm and 76 kg ( small belly 😔). The jacket is perfect in lenght and enough wide downside but is too tight in arms and chest. Once came I tried it and was a bit tight but not unwearable but when I put a Revit back protector in it I barely put my hands on bars. Hope it will loose a bit in a time.
Fits perfectly. The only thing i miss is an waterproof inside pocket with zip closure.
Excelente blusão de Verão.
Cumpre integralmente a sua função de blusão de Verão. Totalmente ventilado, sem descurar a segurança nas zonas mais sensíveis nas eventuais quedas, torna as viagens mais confortáveis pois sente-se sempre fresco.
Tem um ajuste fit, pelo que é necessário verificar bem as medidas na altura da encomenda. No meu caso, tendo em conta que não prescindo da protecção de costas (não incluída), ficou justo após a sua colocação, sem, no entanto, incomodar.
Para quem gostar de blusões um pouco mais largos, terá de atender a este facto na escolha do tamanho.
Excelente blusão!
Удобная куртка! Очень комфортно ездить в жаркую погоду.
Заказывал куртку так как в моём городе очень скудный выбор мотоэкипа. Искал хорошо проветриваемую куртку, основываясь на отзывах и обзорах в интернете. В добавок к этой куртке брал защиту спины. Всё супер!!! Очень вентилируемая куртка) Я даже не думал что на столько сильно! В жару можно смело кататься! Что не скажешь про погоду ниже 15 градусов!!! Ебун конкретный XD Пару выездов в 9 и 14 градусов дали понять что недолго и до соплей! Так что буду искать ещё кожанку с подкладом специально для прохладного времени года. Ну или так же текстиль. Что касается качества, то оно мне очень понравилось! По размеру не промахнулся, всё село отлично, через неделю носки сидит как влитая! Немного не комфортно в локтях, давят вставки, но думаю со временем сядут как надо. Советую для жаркой погоды! Не советую для погоды ниже минус 15 градусов!