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Oceny klienta dla Alpinestars Bionic Freeride Protector szorty

Alpinestars Bionic Freeride Protector szorty
  • 421,69 zł
    358,45 zł
    Zapisujesz 15 %
  • Lycra i siatki podstawowej konstrukcji. --Wentylowanym pianki padding na biodra, uda i kości ogonowej. --Twarde płytki PU wzmocnić uda i kości ogonowej obszary dodatkową odporność na uderzenia i ścieranie.

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 16
Średnia ocena: 4,3
1 Deutsch 2 English wszystkie
Sitz super
Ist ein echt leicht an zu ziehendes Sicherheitsprodukt und kein bischen unangenehm. Ständiger begleiter. Außer im Büro.... :-)
Very good
It is thick than i think.
After i injured, i consider safty.
So i buy that product
It was Exellent choice !!!
feels good, I wear on race track under my textile pants, and dont feel them.
Guter Schutz aber Tragekomfort ist mässig
Die Hose rutscht leider bei Bewegung immer runter im Rückenbereich. Die Grösse ist passend. Ist sehr nervend. Aber der Schutz ist Top.
Very good
Really comfortable and I really like it. I wear it everyday to work under my shorts and i dont really feel it. Luckily never had to really use it but I'm pretty sure its better than nothing either way :)
Very good protection
Great protection. It fits under normal trousers too and offers protection to a usually unprotected area of the body though hard enough. A very good piece of equipment especially for off road riders. Once again a great thanks to FC Moto.
tres bien
excellente protection,il m'a sauvé de plusieurs chutes sur des racines ou brances pointues
The size is a bit smaller on the figure approached but overly tight. The quality of the sewing is good. When riding on a motorcycle and when you walk not in the way.
it's suitable for me, I am 170cm hight and 75kg weight, and it can proveide nice protection for rider, easy to take on and off.
very good
This item is very good, my height is 170cm, and 75KG, it is suitable for me.
The services of FC-MOTO is the best and quick in the world, and the price is the lowest I can find, nice website.
tres bon produit
correspond a ce que j'attendais
bonne protection ,pas trop lourd,bon maintien
It is very useful protector!
Am am sattisfied with this product! It is very useful protector!
воще огонь!!!
Very good protection, but? To hard and tiff
good and comfortable protection
well done and rather comfortable protection of very high-injury area of body.