Strona główna Marki S Scorpion Scorpion Exo-Tech Scorpion Exo-Tech Time-Off Kask Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Scorpion Exo-Tech Time-Off Kask

Scorpion Exo-Tech Time-Off Kask
  • 1.558,00 zł
    1.313,32 zł
    Zapisujesz 16 %
  • Scorpion EXO-TECH nie tylko chcesz być innego stylu flip-back członowego kask, ale z jego design doskonały wygląd integralny, chce być inny zmieniarka gry, dalekowzroczne Pinlock gotowych daszek, Lekki kask powłoki, łatwy w użyciu mechanizm straży podbródek i jeden dotknąć wiosna górną wentylację. Hełm ten transformator wyposażony jest dobry stosunek ceny do spełnienia wymagań rynku. Widać różnice, gdy widzisz go, znajdziesz różnice, gdy ją nosić, i poczujesz różnicę, gdy jedziesz to.

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 4
Średnia ocena: 4,3
2 Deutsch 1 English 1 Nederlands wszystkie
Helm ist chic und passt perfekt. Klappmechanismus geht sehr leicht und ist sehr einfach zu bedienen. Habe 1 mal im regen gefahren; visier ist dicht, kein wasser eingedrungen. Zum offen fahren ist er ideal und die gerausche sind bis 100 km/st acceptabel. Geschlossen ist er ziemlich laut, schon ab 90 km/st, aber ich denke dies ist bauartbedingt.
Absolut zufrieden
Optisch Top - jedoch zu klein geschnitten
Hatte diesen Helm in KS (XXL) bestellt. Leider hat der Helm trotz dieser Größe nicht gepasst obwohl mein Kopfumfang 1 cm kleiner ist. Er hat gedrückt und beim schliessen(als Integralhelm) wurde der Druck noch grösser. Optisch sehr ansprechend - leider
jedoch nichts für meine Kopfform - Mein Shark passt da viel besser.....
Comparing it to a Scuberth C3 riding on the same bike.

The positives.

The Exo-Tech is quieter, much more versatile, much wider field of vision, better venting. The Pinlock visor is so large, it covers right up to the curved edges of the helmet's visor. Have not had the weather to try its effectiveness, but being genuine Pinlock, should work a treat. The fitment is very much the like the Schuberth, if you found the C3 well fitting, the Exo-Tech will fit too.
The cheek pads will need some breaking in, especially when used with the chin piece closed.
The visor has 3 position: fully closed, cracked open and fully open, set by detents. The automatic raising of the visor when the chin piece is closed or opened works very well, pretty much effortless. The helmet balances well and feels a lot lighter than its weight suggests, especially with the chin bar open.

The negatives.

Those cheek pads really need some breaking in and getting used to. It will take a few full days in my estimation to get properly comfortable, but, at least for us, it's not a deal breaker. My wife says that the C3 was the same, but I don;t really remember what that was like.
The chin cover triangle is quite small, will probably let in enough cold air in the winter to require a neck warmer, but on the plus side it clears the boom microphone of the intercom when opening and closing the chin bar.
It does not have that "luxury" feel the C3 does, but it does not feel cheap either, as a matter of fact the materials feel nice, just not quite as nice as the C3.

Over all due to the brilliant functionality the negatives really don't matter. Both my wife and I are very happy with the Exo-Tech, would definitely buy it again.