Strona główna Marki D Dainese Motocykl Odzież tekstylna kurtki wodoodporne Dainese Super Rider D-Dry Kurtka tekstylna motocykl Ocena

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Dainese Super Rider D-Dry Kurtka tekstylna motocykl

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It’s perfect
A bit thick for summer mesh jacket but nice design and d-dry inner lining is pretty good. Love this red color.
Muito boa qualidade
최상의 제품입니다
사이즈 디자인 모두 최고의 만족감을 느낀다
Typisch Dainese
Kann mich den vielen positiven Bewertungen nur anschließen - hat mit dieses Jahr bei dem tollen aber auch zum Teil wirklich heißem Somner den Spaß am Motorradfahren erhalten. Zusammen mit dem Inlay auch im Regen oder wenn es Abends kühler wurde eine tolle Kombi. Passt an jede Dainese Hose ( Leder oder Textil) !
Sehr gute Jacke, passt alles prima.
Das ist meine drite Jacke von Dainese und finde die Beste
High Quality, Amazing Style! Protective A++ Comfort A++ -Delivery Israel - 8/10
PROS: This Jacket has everything you just wished for! the inside membrane will keep your body very warm, it is high quality and insulated from rain & wind.
the shields are strong and very comfort.
the leather is exactly where you need them
The Style - will turn every head towards you!
Works well In Hot weather (Israel 33-40 digress + 70% humidity in the summer) you can enjoy the wind goes through you and yet fill secured & well protected.
CONS: A bit complicated to wear when inner membrane is attached, But with a little bit practice you will succeed.
Since it adopts a mesh partly, it is cool while driving. It is made of leather on shoulder and arm part while driving, and it gives a feeling of hardness even during running, and the endothelium is quite thick, so it seems to be able to cope even if it is somewhat cold.
VERY nice
This which feels wind so that the breathability that I can not believe the comfort, and is good wears nothing though a hard protector is contained is a splendid jacket.
Good price~!! good quality~!!
It’s very nice jacket~!!
I’m very saitisfied~!!
Thank you for your kind~!!
Achtung- rot ist hier nicht rot, sondern Flur-rot
Das heißt das sieht aus wie die Feuerwehr. Leuchtendes Orange würde ich ehr meinen passt dazu. Aber rot ist das nicht- musste meine umtauschen, weil mein Karre auch rot hat, aber nicht Feuerwehr-orange - Also aufpassen beim Bestellen. Grüße Alex
Perfekter Alleskönner
Ich fahre die Jacke in Kombination mit der Delta C2 Lederhose.
Jacke lässt sich problemlos mit 270° anzippen.
Perfekt für den Sommer. Bei 50 km/h kühlt die Jacke perfekt und bei praller Sonne mit 70 - 160 km/h gleicht sich perfekt die Idealtemparatur. Guter MIx aus dem Kunstoff - Netzgewebe und Leder. Ich bin 183 cm groß und habe Größe 50 gewählt und fahre immer mit Rückenprotektor (dainese wave)
Ideal ist die wasserdichte Jacke. Ich war bei 13° auf den Bergen unterwegs und war perfekt ausgeglichen. Die Unterziehjacke ist keine Thermojacke, aber sie speichert die Wärme und hält sie bei hoher Geschwindigkeit. Ich war sehr skeptisch, aber auf der letzten Ausfahrt bin ich vom vormittag bis nachts gefahren und halt alles erfüllt. Ehrlich gesagt, ist sie sogar besser als meine Avro lederjacke, weil ich sie auch im regen getestet habe und es war ein traum. kein runterkühlen, durchnässt sein oder der gleichen. okay, die lederhose war etwas feucht, aber mit einer guten imprägnierung ist das auch erledigt.
Sehr gute Qualität.
Tolle Passform. Sehr hohe Verarbeitungsqualität.
Very good
Good Looking and stylish.
inner membrane is difficult to be worn.

P.S: FC-MOTO has no stock when I placed my order. It took me almost 30 more days to receive it. Please ensure your stock signal is real.
The delivery is slow, but the product is satisfactory.
It feels good to wear and the design is also satisfactory.
Хорошая куртка
Muy bien producto, pagué gastos aduanales en México por lo que quizá ya no convenía tanto, termine pagando 8200 ya con gastos de envío, pero en general el producto es muy bueno y vale la pena si lo agarras con un buen descuento
I’m glad to buy this Jacket its highly protection in shoulders and elbow’s and i recommend to buy the back and chest protection as well . Also its lower price than other websites with huge discount.
Its fast delivery . Thank you fc moto

172cm / 74kg size 50 fits me perfectly.

I do have gained some weight due too much work in the office, but anyway the size fits me perfectly with both chest and back protector inside the jacket.

The inner linings are bit annoying when putting on and off the jacket but I do understand they are there for a reason :P

Not yet have gone riding with these on since its still cold now, but I believe that these will rock!!
Good price
It's very nice
Safe and nice Jacket. But, size...
- Design 5/5: I think Dainese is the best among other brands
- Weight 3/5: looked light, but it's heavier than what it's seen
- size: I(175cm/72kg) ordered size 48. Body fits well, but the sleeve is too wide

- 디자인은 다이네제가 최고죠
- 그림상으론 메쉬소재 많이 들어가고 가벼워보이지만 다소 무겁습니다.. 초겨울까지 입을 수 있을듯해요(내피, 어깨 팔꿈치 보호대 기본으로 들어가 있음, 전부 탈부착 가능)
- 175/72 보통 체격입니다. 48사이즈 주문했는데 몸은 딱인데 팔이 아주 널널합니다. 팔꿈치 보호대들어가 있는데도 널널합니다 아주. 제가 입었을때는 그렇게 잘 늘어난다고 생각은 안했는데 다른 댓글보니 자기 사이즈보다 한 치수 아래로 가도 괜찮을 듯 해요.
Safest Hot Weather Jacket (Pros & Cons)
I bought the jacket a month ago,I've used it between 20 Celcius-40 Celcius heat in summer since and so far it has been okay.

-Jacket is too short and has agressive style it may need a waist protector
-Front pockets are too small to store a disc lock or a large phone(Note 4-7 iphone 6+ etc)
-Shoulder protections are metal and black so they scratch easily if u store them in a tight space.
-Airflow on the arms so good but the arm pits are not getting enough air.
+It's waterproof without the inner liner so i can pull my zipper up and wash the mesh with hose while wearing before hot weather rides.
+Great protection but when you wear it without liner you may need to relocate the protectors.(they have velcro to put them in place)
+It's not entairly aggressive looking or fitting so you may use it for commuting if you have a SS bike
+Lots of strech keep in mind and order a size small so that it will strech out to your own size later on.
Dainese Qualität ist super
The clothes are great. It's nice to wear air in summer and safe
good looking design.
However, please ensure your stock status is real. This time it took me over 30 days to receive this article.
Kwalitatief en zeer comfortabele jacket
Het is de eerste keer dat ik zo'n jacket heb aangeschaft. Moet zeggen dat het erg comfortabel en in de zomer prima te dragen is. Echter heb ik de binnenvoering eruit gehaald. De binnenvoering kan je bij een koud of regenachtig weer eronder trekken zodat je warm en droog blijft.

Recap: ik ben zeer tevreden!
All'altezza delle aspettative
Giacca perfetta e funzionale... già testata con scivolata in moto. Ha salvato la spalla al conducente!!!
Sehr gute Qualität
Tolle Jacke , kombiniert mit Lederhose ohne Probleme, super Ausstattung mit Innenjacke, perfekt für den sommer.
I like it.
I was thinking about the size.
It's a perfect fit for your back and chest
sehr gutes Produkt auch bei kalten Wetter durch den thermoeinsatz.