Strona główna Motocykl Kozaki City/urban Alpinestars SM-1 R V2 Vented Buty motocyklowe Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Alpinestars SM-1 R V2 Vented Buty motocyklowe

Alpinestars SM-1 R V2 Vented Buty motocyklowe
  • 953,67 zł
    840,33 zł
    Zapisujesz 12 %
    • Rozległe perforacje w całym dla maksymalnego przepływu powietrza, z przodu mieszkania wykonane z materiału tekstylnego dla zwiększenia oddychalności.
    • Innowacyjny system podparcia pięty, który współpracuje z zamknięciem paska, aby zapewnić lepsze dopasowanie i wsparcie, a także integralność strukturalną.
    • Obuwie ochronne dla motocyklistów (EN 13634:2017).

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 12
Średnia ocena: 4,7
6 English 4 Русский язык 2 日本の wszystkie
Посылка шла до Владивостока 22 дня с учётом новогодних каникул. Все упаковано хорошо. Ботинки видимо размер в размер. Подошли идеально. Очень мягко и удобно сидят на ноге. Как в них ездить узнаю с началом сезона. На первый взгляд все нравится, и качество и удобство.
Awesome shoes
They were comfortable from the start. Anyone wondering if they could wear these shoes during long sunny days, they shouldn’t worry.

Light rain didn’t even enter. This allowed my feet to stay dry and comfortable all along my motorcycle ride.
Very good
Exact fit size, very comfortable for a city and long rides.
The zipper does a good job to fixe your anckle, however the velcro straps are not changing anything at all, literarly there for the nice look only.
great boots, I wear 42 ordered 42 excellent.
Отличный продукт
Добрый день с благодарностью пишу этот отзыв,доволен качеством и удобством данного изделия,Alpinestars как всегда на высоте,большое спасибо команде профессионалов FC moto,надёжная и добросовесная работа, рекомендую!
comfortable pair of riding boots well suited for our tropical climate
I have had the same boots which were well used for years. I decided to continue with the same make and model.
Very comfortable shoes
The stand-out feature of these shoes (low-cut boots) is their great comfort. Alpinestars boots are reknowned for their comfort, and for good reason - these boots are extremely comfortable. Instant comfort, with no wear-in time needed at all.
Unlike some popular brands that look good while being extremely uncomfortable (looking at you, Sidi), these boots can handle a substantial amount of walking off-bike.
They also remained very cool and comfortable after a 4 hour ride through the Spring countryside, without even a hint of sweat.
Another advantage to these boots is the thin toes, which allows the rider to easily shift gears. This might not seem like a big deal to inexperienced riders, until you try riding a bike while wearing boots with thick toes that make shifting gears an awkward and clumsy exercise (looking at Sidi, again!).
My only concern about these boots is that they MAY fly off my feet during a high-velocity high-side. As others have mentioned, the velcro strap appears almost entire ineffective. This is not a possibility that I wish to test any time soon.
Regardless, I definitely recommend these boots to other riders. 10 out of 10.
It is a very comfortable and good performance shoe. However, it seems a bit loose around the ankles. The lockdown isn't particularly good, where the strap cannot be adjusted as much. Need to add another layer of insole to make the shoe fit well.
good quality and appearance but not tight around the leg at the top