Startsida Motorcykel Damkläder Jackor Women’s Motorcycle Textile Jackets GMS Taylor Damer Motorcykel Textil Jacka Betyg

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GMS Taylor Damer Motorcykel Textil Jacka

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Antal betyg: 7
Medelbetyg: 4,1
2 Deutsch 3 English 1 Français 1 日本の alla
Sehr gut
Sehr leicht und angenehmen zu tragen Top
Size fits a bit small but it fits. Very comfortable and warm with the liner. Comfortable on hot days too with the vents open.
Schöne Jacke
Schöne Jacke.Schmal geschnitten. Wind - und Regendicht. Ist gut zu tragen. Das herausnehmen der Innenjacke ist nicht kompliziert, nur ein paar Schlaufen vom Knopf trennen, den Reißverschluss öffen, fertig. Der einzige Nachteil ist das Gewicht
Good jacket for this money
Good value for this money. In my opinion few small things are missing (both inner pockets are on the same side, velcro on the neck goes in the face when the jacket is unzipped and there is no way ti fix it somewhere on shoulder) but it is good for this amount of money. My heigh is 165cm, weight 53-55 kg - XS is perfect to wear on t-shirt or thin jumper. To wear on hoody the size should be bigger. Stays dry while light rain. Looks good.
Ajustements efficaces, belle coupe.
Élégant, pratique, confortable.
very heavy but sturdy 重いけど丈夫

I bought a rider jacket for the first time, but I am surprised of the heaviness. It looks sturdy, but I'm not sure that I can really ride a motor bike wearing it.
We got the jacket and thought it was going to be too big, we ordered 2 sizes bigger then normal. The jacket didn't fit! We were leaving on a big trip and couldn't use the jacket. It is too late to exchange or return the product. The big issue is that it is a very well made and styled jacket, but not remotely near true size. It will look good in the closet.