Casa Motocicleta Ropa Chaquetas Textiles Chaqueta Tour Dainese D-Blizzard S/T D-Dry Chaqueta textil impermeable Evaluaciones

Evaluaciones de clientes para Dainese D-Blizzard S/T D-Dry Chaqueta textil impermeable

Dainese D-Blizzard S/T D-Dry Chaqueta textil impermeable
  • 499,95 €
    249,95 €
    Se ahorra 50 %
  • Chaqueta de Dainese D-Blizzard ha sido desarrollado para viajar a gran distancia, con membrana de D-Dry® laminado ligero para mantener los elementos. con un trazador de líneas desprendible collar térmico y cubierto, directo al cuerpo de ventilación en el pecho y la espalda, D-Blizzard está listo para cualquier temperatura.


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Número de evaluaciones: 6
Evaluación media: 4,8
5 Deutsch 1 English todas
An excellent and functional jacket, it has everything you need for the open road. The pockets are relatively small but functional and get the job done. This was the only jacket of this type in a size 27 so I didn't have much choice but I wasn't wrong, the size is just right even with the liner in. Without the liner and only with active underwear under the jacket, you can ride comfortably even at 15°.
The design is excellent and the tensioners are in the right places, the only thing that bothers me personally is that it is not velcro on the sleeves but thread, so long gloves are a little harder to pull on the sleeve.
Also, you can trust the size chart it's good!
Tolle Jacke
Super Jacke in Kurzgrösse von Dainese. In Qualität und Passform einwandfrei.
Schöne Jacke, passt gut habe aber noch keine praktische Erfahrung gesammelt
Top Jacke
Bestens, wie immer bei Dainese. Gute Belüftung
Jacke ist wie beschrieben passt gut wenn man dann die richtige Größe für sich gefunden hat.
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