Casa Motocicleta Cascos y accesorios Viseras Shoei CWR-F2PN Photocromic Visera Evaluaciones

Evaluaciones de clientes para Shoei CWR-F2PN Photocromic Visera

Shoei CWR-F2PN Photocromic Visera
  • DKK 1.552,65
    • versión auto-tintada
    • Listo para Pinlock
    • fácil de cambiar

    Disponible, listo para el envío en 2 - 3 días laborables

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Número de evaluaciones: 8
Evaluación media: 5
5 English 1 Français 1 Italiano 1 Suomi todas
Worth the premium
Expensive? Yes, about 3 time the price of a standard visor. But is it worth it? Definitly. Would not go back to the smoked one, because you can ride day and night and don't need to change. One of the best investments I made in the last years.
The best from the best
Very good visor. Its really working instead of other.
Top! Parfait pour tout
Excellent produit! Parfait pour remplacer une visière solaire dans un casque qui en est pas pourvue.
Toimii kuten odotinkin. Erityisesti automaattisesti tummuva visiiri on mainio ja hyödyllinen. Kypärä vaikuttaa myös erittäin laadukkaalta niin sisä- kuin ulkopuoleltakin.
a must product for everyone
What of the best products i purchased, a must for everyone who rides in the morning and after work in the evening.
Great but still way too expensive
This visor is actually really good. Couldn't say how well it would work in the southern countries where the sun is scorchingly hot and bright all the time, but living in northern Europe it works perfectly well in all riding conditions. When riding straight into the evening sun it does let a bit of the sunlight through, but it's bearable. I find myself squinting a bit at first, but after a short while my eyes adapt and I almost stop noticing it. At full tint you don't notice any visual discomfort from the inside and from the outside it doesn't get fully opaque, more like 80-90%, which is perfectly fine - I've a black helmet and you couldn't tell the difference, let alone from a distance. The price is the only drawback - being priced at half the cost of the NXR2 helmet is a complete and inexplicable joke.
A great solution, we’ve all been caught out riding into the evening with a tinted or smoked visor and not being able to see anything; it’s horrible.

The darkest tint in bright conditions is better than I expected; you can just about see-through if you are close up, it’s not entirely black but pretty close.

I’ve not ridden from bright light into any tunnels yet, so I can’t comment on its reaction speed to adjust to low light levels, but I have ridden with it in the evening, and it’s absolutely fine for me.

A bit pricey, in my opinion; I guess it depends on how much you value convenience. Perfect for me, as I love the fact I now don’t have to worry about getting back late and riding dangerously.