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Klantwaarderingen voor Shoei CWR-F2PN Vizier

Shoei CWR-F2PN Vizier
  • vanaf 69,95 €
    • verkrijgbaar als heldere, getinte of gespiegelde versie
    • Pinlock klaar
    • eenvoudig te veranderen

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Aantal waarderingen: 15
Gemiddelde waardering: 4,7
3 Deutsch 8 English 3 Русский язык 1 中国 alles
Really good!
It was the perfect solution for me! As I don't like using sun glasses under the helmet, this visor reaaly did the job! and as a bonus, looks amazing on my black helmet.
Smoke- это вообще не темный визор!
В момент когда заказывал шлем, выбор визоров был не велик. Либо smoke, либо dark. Зеркальных не было, и сроки по ним были не понятны. Решил, для большей универсальности, купить первый, чтобы иметь возможность ездить вечером с комфортом.
И не ошибся)
Визор практически без тонировки, по сути купил себе второй прозрачный.
Так что, если нужен темный визор- smoke не ваш вариант!
Оригинальный визор по самой выгодной цене. FCmoto как всегда лучшие
Perfect color balance
I bought the Color: Smoke as I wanted a visor with a darker shade, but not so dark I could not use it at end of the day / almost night. And this one is the perfect tint.

It goes really well with my NXR2 WHITE when compared with the standard transparent default visor. I have now a smooth contrast between the white tint of the helmet vs. the darker shade of the visor, really loving it :)
I just had some rides at almost-night hours and it does not hurt visibility that much. Something that I was afraid of with darker shades, and this one prove to be the right spot.
Very high quality visor fully corresponds to the description! Recommend!
Great quality!
Great product! Quality as expected from Shoei and a must have for sunny days if your helmet does not have an integrated sunshield visor and you don't want to ride with sunglasses.

fully recommended and I would not even look at alternative supplier. For the visitor better go with the original option from SHOEI.
Macht seinen Job
Ein schönes Visier, welches perfekt auf meinen X-SPR Pro passt. Es ist nicht super dunkel, aber so dunkel, dass man die augen kaum erkennt. Leicht zu reinigen. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit der shoei-qualität
TOP !!!
ein fantastisch aussehendes Visier. Passt perfekt zum Helm. Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und die montage sehr einfach. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann es nur weiterempfehlen.
Leaking already in small rain
Leaking, whistling, softer plastic (scratches comes way easier) than original clear.
Outstanding quality
Great quality, but not so dark as expected.
No information exists, but this visor fits perfectly with SHOEI XSR PRO.

Amazing quality, but I expected that it would be much darker. So I wouldn't recommend using is for too bright days. From the other hand its fine for me to to ride during the night. You can find how it look on my ig page @robert_sils
Good Visor
Good quality, easy exchangable. The medium tanned one was too less for me, its really just slightly tanned. If you plan to ride in strong sun, take the datk tanned.
Tolles Visier, super Qualität, nur zu empfehlen.