Strona główna Marki A AGV AGV Sportmodular AGV Sportmodular Carbon Hełm biały Ocena

Oceny klienta dla AGV Sportmodular Carbon Hełm biały

AGV Sportmodular Carbon Hełm biały
  • 3.487,34 zł
    2.754,73 zł
    Zapisujesz 21 %
  • Kompromis nie jest nasza natura. Tak mamy przepisał pociągów na flip up, tworząc niemożliwe, każdy chciał. Modułowe, kompaktowe wymiary, niska waga i wydajność top sport całą twarz i bezpieczeństwa nr 1, nasz własny R. GP Pista Wreszcie flip-up osiągnęła swój pełny potencjał.


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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 6
Średnia ocena: 3,3
2 Deutsch 4 English wszystkie
Poor Quality
The helmet was received with a 2cm crack in the shell. The shipping box was fine so I assume that the helmet left the factory with this crack. It's somewhat understandable that AGV's quality control missed this crack in the shell as it's very difficult to see. Regardless, I give the product 1 star rating due to poor quality control. I followed up with AGV directly, but they instructed me to contact FC Moto for assistance. I'm awaiting support from FC Moto about replacing the helmet.
Helm ist sehr schön und von der Passform sehr gut.
Eigentlich bin ich sehr zufrieden mit diesem Helm. Die ganze Mechanik funktioniert super! Das Blickfeld ist viel größer als bei den meisten anderen Helmen! Die Belüftung ist super - wirklich eine spürbare Luftzirkulation und trotzdem ist der Helm echt leise! Superleicht ist er auch! Habe das Innenfutter auf die kühlere Sommerseite gedreht - hält jetzt leider nicht mehr so gut - deshalb einen Punkt Abzug... bis auf das Innenfutter ist das der perfekte Helm für mich - bravo AGV! Versand von fc-moto hat auch bestens funktioniert!
Super Helm
Sehr leicht, geringe Windgeräusche und ein Hammer Design.
Best Modular Helmet Ever!
This is my second AGV helemt. 4 weeks ago I was t-boned by an idiot. Bike was totaled. I had this helmet on. Saved my life. Bought my second one from FC Moto . Shipping was fast and easy. Helmet is extremely light and pretty quiet on the road.
Best flip up helmet I had ever . Light and comfortable. Very good ventilation inside , so also good for hot countries. Noisy a bit , but its flip up , not integral .
Beware AGV - They don't honor their Warranty
If I could give this product and AGV negative stars I would. I discovered a crack in the shell of the helmet prior to using it. I notified AGV and they instructed me to return the helmet to FC-Moto for warranty repair or replacement. Per their instructions I sent the unused helmet back to FC-Moto at my cost. A month later I received the original helmet back. They did not repair it nor replace it as per the terms of their warranty policy. Instead, FC-Moto included a letter stating that Dianese/AGV rejected the warranty claim citing that the helmet needed to be returned within 8 days of my receipt of the helmet. AGV completely violated their 1 year warranty. I'll never buy another Dianese or AGV product again as they completely disregard their published warranty. I'm also disappointed in FC-Moto for allowing AGV to get away with violating their warranty. FC-Moto's position was that "We are really sorry that AGV has decided that way. Unfortunately, we have no influence on the decision.".