Strona główna Motocykl Kozaki City/urban Bogotto Nashville Buty motocyklowe Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Bogotto Nashville Buty motocyklowe

Bogotto Nashville Buty motocyklowe
  • 708,67 zł
    487,14 zł
    Zapisujesz 22 %
    • średnia wysokość wału
    • wykonana ze skóry bydlęcej
    • wzmocnienia w okolicy palców u szydła i pięt oraz kostek

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 9
Średnia ocena: 4,6
2 Deutsch 5 English 1 Italiano 1 Português wszystkie
Very good
These are a very good pair of boots, strong, with plenty of protection and a cool style. They will take a lot of breaking in to be really comfortable though. Two points which take it from 5 to 4 stars are a very tapered toe which means these boots would not suit someone with a broad foot, plus the laces are cheap and nasty; not in keeping with the rest of the boot. I'm glad I bought a size up from my normal 43 as they may have been too narrow. I"ll be swapping the laces as soon as I can; before they fray and/or break.
Order the same size you wear vans for example. They take a while to break in but when they do they're awesome
Os números são um pouco grandes, se você calçar o 44, é melhor escolher um 42.
A fc moto efetuou a troca sem custos, é a melhor loja on-line do mercado. Obrigado
Super value
The boots are a great fit,good quality and very comfortable for long days on the bike. They offer good value for the price. One of the brass rivets flew off on the first day without any scraping or impact! They took a little longer than expected to arrive. Overall ????
Stivale molto bello
Molto bello e resistente. Calza grande, quindi conviene prendere una taglia in meno rispetto al proprio numero. Buon rinforzo sulla punta e sulla caviglia. Un po' lungo da allacciare.
Sehr gut
Leider habe ich die Stiefel noch nicht beim Fahren angehabt, machen aber erstmal einen guten Eindruck.
Sie fallen in der Größe recht groß aus. Ich konnte eine ganze Nummer kleiner nehmen und diese passen perfekt.
Ich denke mal, dass das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis passt.
Go for it without a doubt !
The boots took three weeks to arrive in India. There was no issue with the customs . The packaging was sturdy and adequately protective. The boots are sturdy and of solid built with thick leather . The malleolar pads are well reinforced . Colour is exactly the same as shown in the photos. These boots are a bit on the stiffer side so a certain amount of time is needed to break them in and get moulded to the rider’s feet. Size is okay as well. I’m satisfied with the buy :)
Tolles Leder, perfekte Passform.