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Oceny klienta dla Dainese Bonneville Slim Dżinsy motocyklowe

Dainese Bonneville Slim Dżinsy motocyklowe

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 6
Średnia ocena: 4,2
4 English 1 Español wszystkie
Excellent Kevlar Jeans
Ive been wearing these day to day for about 6-7 months now, and come to the conclusion that they are the best pair of Kevlar Jeans ive ever owned, quality is superb, comfortable both on and off the bike, and they really feel like they would aid me in a slide or spill if they were to occur. Style is second to none, as is the quality expected from Dainese. 5/5
It's a little big in size.
It's a little big in size.
There is not much span.
Can wear comfortably
La calidad del pantalón es bueno.
El nivel de protección es bajo.
Tried others that looked ok but were a little baggy in the fit, these are just right, well made and a stylish design. I do though think that they should come with hip protectors standard, its just the knees you get, i purchased hips separate.
These jeans are made for the slimmer person, I have tried other makes and the width of the legs is too big, these are perfect!
Fair but size is far to large