Strona główna Motocykl Odzież Rękawice Sport Dainese Druid 4 Rękawice motocyklowe Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Dainese Druid 4 Rękawice motocyklowe

Dainese Druid 4 Rękawice motocyklowe
  • kr 2.283,89
    kr 2.055,46
    Zapisujesz 10 %
    • motocyklowe rękawice wyścigowe ze skóry owczej
    • z karbonowymi ochraniaczami na golonki, wkładkami poliuretanowymi i wstępnie zakrzywionymi, termoformowanymi rękawami
    • perforacja po wewnętrznej stronie palców

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 7
Średnia ocena: 4,6
5 English 1 Italiano 1 中国 wszystkie
High quality
Great fit and comfortable
Gloves feel is very good. Great fit with no break-in period .you can not go wrong with these. Normal size for me is medium and I ware a large in these,
A nice upgrade over older Carbon and Druid models.
Bought these gloves for road racing and track usage. Build quality is nice and the in-seams make this a handsome looking glove. Putting the glove on requires some effort as the thermo formed cuff closes by default (a bonus in some ways). I would say the glove fits true to size and sizing hasn't changed since my last pair of gloves. No need to order a size up/down.

Wrist movement is good but not exceptional, the cuff entry is relatively small and needs to be pulled over the sleeves with a little extra effort.

Additionally, at this price point I would have liked to see some Kangaroo leather integrated into the palms - time will tell how well these hold up.

Build quality is obviously top-notch and the glove incorporates plenty of protection in high impact areas.

Overall a nice glove, with all the features of the Steel Pros in a more affordable package.
So nice
shipping is fast, the product is very good I like it. I ordered it because it was more cheapper
Not thrilled
The quality of the gloves is fine , however it looks like they will take some breaking in . Some bits are quite uncomfortable after half an hour
Good gloves, but need to be worn inn
These are a good set of gloves the only problem was how stif they were for the first couble of rides. On longer journies i was getting num in my fingers but once they have been worn inn they do become comfortable
Ottima qualita
Calzano leggermente poco ma la qualita Dainese cé'tutta