Strona główna Motocykl Kaski i akcesoria Pełne HJC RPHA 70 Carbon Reple hełm Ocena

Oceny klienta dla HJC RPHA 70 Carbon Reple hełm

HJC RPHA 70 Carbon Reple hełm
  • 2.779,45 zł
    2.228,10 zł
    Zapisujesz 20 %
    • RapidFire™ System wymiany wizjera: Prosty i bezpieczny system siatki wizjera oferuje ultraszybką wymianę wizjera bez użycia narzędzi
    • Wszystkie osłony HJC zapewniają 99% ochrony przed promieniowaniem UV-A i UV-B
    • 2D Osłona przeciwsłoneczna jest wyposażona w sworzeń do skórki

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 5
Średnia ocena: 4,4
4 English 1 한국의 wszystkie
lightweight, comfortable and good ventilation
Helmet is lightweight and comfortable for my head shape, seems quieter than my previous one.
I haven't yet installed the pinlock / anti-fog layer but suspect it will be required in the upcoming months as have already experienced a bit of fogging in the early morning rides.
It vents pretty well and I really like how easy it is to open and close the top vent.
The visor is super easy to remove and re-install - be careful while doing it though, the mechanism seems a little fragile.

Last bit is with regards to FC-Moto customer service and post sale team, fantastic communication and very helpful bunch - i generally don't leave reviews but felt like the team deserve recognition.

Thank you
Light weight, Great material, Good ventilation but...
Helmet is very light, very good build. Even at high speeds it does not move around your head. Visor is great also and easy to use. My only comment is that I have experienced excruciating pain from the chin strap against my jaw line from some reason. i have doubled checked the sizing and tried to understand where the pain is coming from however it is clearly from the chin strap padding I will be returning the item if i couldnt find a fix for this. It is a good helmet but unfortunately has this flaw in it.
Great Helmet. Pull on and buckle up - no other adjustment is required.