Strona główna Motocykl Kaski i akcesoria Pełne Held Brave II Motocykl kask Decor Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Held Brave II Motocykl kask Decor

Held Brave II Motocykl kask Decor

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 5
Średnia ocena: 4,6
3 Deutsch 2 English wszystkie
Good value for money
Top Qualitäts Fiberglas Helm mit gutem Sichtfeld und Passform. Einzige Beanstandung: er hat ein wenig Windgeräusche, jeh nach dem wie man gerade den Kopf hält. Ansonsten bin ich top zufrieden.
Sehr gute Qualität und sieht zudem auch sehr sportlich aus.
Leider entsprechen die angeschriebenen Helmgrössen nicht der angezeigten Helmgrössentabelle. Liebe 1 bis 2 Nummern grösser auswählen.
Performance in terms of price, reassuring as fiber structure, uncomfortable in terms of sound.
Hello there. The product is visually striking and the graphics are quite beautiful. I preferred it because it has a fiberglass structure. I had the chance to experience it for 600 kilometers. It picks up a lot of noise and the inside of the helmet offers noisy driving. The biggest downside is noise. I recommend people who will buy it to use with earplugs, I do not recommend using without earplugs. The sun visor provides very good visibility. It is a suitable product in terms of price performance, I think it is safe thanks to its performance and featured fiber structure that can be bought at this price.
the price is satisfactory in terms of performance alone hum, sound more
Hello, the reason for my purchase was that it is a fiber helmet and I think that I will find it useful in terms of price performance. I got a passing grade in terms of price and safety. First of all, visually, it is cosmically very stylish and remarkable, I think the visor and sun visor are successful. Ventilation is quite enough. The only and major problem is sound and hum. There is too much hum. Absolutely uncomfortable to use without earplugs. I have used this brand's enduro turtle helmet before, although it was not that loud. This model is reassuring that it is fiber, but it is uncomfortable in terms of sound and hum.
Prima Helm, gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnid
Viele Funktionen, gute Passform, bin sehr zufrieden