Strona główna Motocykl Odzież Spodnie Tekstylia Revit Component H2O Motocyklowe spodnie tekstylne Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Revit Component H2O Motocyklowe spodnie tekstylne

Revit Component H2O Motocyklowe spodnie tekstylne

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Great Adventure Pants. Great Fit, Fully Waterproof and tested
Great Waterproof adventure trouser. Used on 6,000 km tour through Norway and Sweden in late Sept Riding all day in steady rain, no water ingress at all including even on venting zips which I thought could be a problem Don't think venting would be enough in warmer months. Used with as separate set of KTM armour on knee and shin. Accommodated fine. Have tried with Aplinstar knee brace also fine Warm and comfortable. Easy to put on and take off. Overboot integrated gater keeps mud, dirt and water off and out of boot from ankle up. Leather sections on inner of knee/calf help grip tank. Good quality and construction. well though out, for example rubberized band on inside of wast band keeps any shirt you tuck in from pulling out from normal movement Only criticism would be external pockets are tight to access anything you store in them. If you have big hands you will struggle. Bought size L have 102cm hip width. Probably on the limit (with hip protection and insulation in). If I was 104 would be to tight.
Helt ok men skulle gärna vilja att man skulle kunna dra åt mer i midjan.
Für mich ist groß leider, die Grossentabelle passt nicht richtig.ich hatte gern zurück schicken , aber Postgebühren aus der Türkei180EU.Es lohnt sich nicht.
Könnte ich später ausreisen um tauschen?
Ripped zipper
Rugged, waterproof but the fly zipper ripped after 10 times using them even though the pants are a loose fit for me?!