Strona główna Motocykl Kaski i akcesoria Pełne Simpson Venom Stingrae Hełm Ocena

Oceny klienta dla Simpson Venom Stingrae Hełm

Simpson Venom Stingrae Hełm

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* Pola wymagane
Liczba ocen: 5
Średnia ocena: 4,8
4 English 1 Français wszystkie
I'm happy with the helmet. Got the right size! Best price I could find. Bought smoke visor for this helmet from fc too. In fact, bought few other items here.
Casque confortable, léger et agréable à porter. Le champs de vision est excellent et la visière intégré est agréable et facile d'utilisation.
Le coloris est très beau
Helmet fit perfectly as per the sizing chart, Shipping time was good and the price was great compared to what I could find locally.
Had to find a visor locally would be great if fc moto stocked some in the future (smoked/iridium etc)
A little bit noisy because air vents don't close. Tinted visor could be darker. Nice and light and padding is snug and soft. I would still recommend.
Very happy with the helmet. The stars and stripes are very striking in the silver flake. Sizing was exact (size M). Price was much cheaper than I could find locally, and international shipping was well priced and reasonably fast. Would definitely buy again