Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Integrals Bogotto FF110 Cinder Casc Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Bogotto FF110 Cinder Casc

Bogotto FF110 Cinder Casc
  • 159,95 €
    79,95 €
    Us estalvieu 44 %
    • 2 Mides de shell
    • pinlock llest i boira fotocromàtica llesta
    • visera anti scratch

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 10
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
3 Deutsch 4 English 1 Nederlands 1 Español 1 Português totes
La verdad es que estoy muy contenta, era un regalo y ha gustado mucho. Tanto en diseño como en comodidad se lleva un 10. La talla M es perfecta para una medida de 58 cm de cabeza. Tal vez la única pega que puedo poner es que no tiene visor para los deslumbramientos del sol.
Nota 10
Gostei muito do capacete
super nice
Very nice design and colours , brought because it matches my boots and KTM .
Good fit and lightweight.
Helemaal super zit als gegoten
Nu al meerdere ritten helm gebruikt met oordopjes en eigen bril. Zit goed, en ruim zicht.
1 nadeel er is geen pinlock te verkrijgen, terwijl de voorbereiding er wel is.
Verder mooie vorm.en kleuren
Top Helm ,tolles Design
Ist sehr klein geschnitten und musste Ihn leider zurück schocken ! War mir nicht sicher welche Größe passen würde! Schade
Top Qualität
Sehr hochwertig und ein echter Hingucker. Tolle Verarbeitung und sehr schnelle Lieferung.Top Adresse
Very good helmet
I Love the looks and the comfort is amazing and overall a 10/10 helmet. Packaging really good and fast delivery. Very good price. I would 100% recommend this helmet.
Couldn’t be happier
This helmet it’s absolutely beautiful. The Matt color is awesome and the quality is as good as $300 helmet or better. I’ve order chipper helmets from China and Amazon around the same price that are all garbage. This helmet it’s light comfortable and well built. And I think I like better than my $300 helmet
Sehr schick und gut zu tragen,,tolle Verarbeitung und ein echter Blickfang.
Amazing quality for the price
I could be happier with the look and quality of this helmet. You can definitely compare to a much more expensive helmets like 3 times the price. I also got a jackets and boots of the same brand and I’m super happy with everything and delivery to US was super fast like 9-10 days