Casa Marques D Dainese Motocicleta Roba tèxtil Jaquetes Dainese Avro D2 Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese Avro D2 Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil

Dainese Avro D2 Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil
  • 299,95 €
    269,90 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
  • La jaqueta de tèxtil Avro D2 lleuger disposa que presenta un aspecte agressiu en un paquet adaptable, construcció de 350 D-sintetitzador tela amb Microelastic s'Insereix per un ajust de retallar. Flexibilitat és maximitzada amb un extraïble tèrmica folre i aire reixetes de ventilació al pit i esquena, mentre que l'armadura d'espatlla extraïble rígid realça la protecció.

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 14
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
3 Deutsch 8 English 1 Español 1 Italiano 1 한국의 totes
Great allarounder!
The Inner liner is thick, really great for 3 season hot/cold riding (not extreme colds of course). but it covers all rideable(above 3 degrees) scenerios. When you pull out the liner and open ventilation zippers, you can also feel the air circulation. So depending on where you live summers might also be tolerable.
Jacket good, inner lining a disaster
The jack looks great and feels great. But, the inner lining is a real problem. It's held in place with a simple popper. Probably intended to let you remove and wash it. Unfortunately, the popper is very weak and every time you take of the jacket - the popper opens and the lining disconnects. This means reinstalling and popping the lining every... single... time... Beyond irritating.
It is comfortable and looks nice.
Very comfortable for summer relaxed rides. Thermal liner is easy to remove and install. It doesn't offer the same level of protection as a leather jacket but it is expected. It is a good compromise between comfort and protection.
Excellent quality
Check your body sizes and order the product with right sizing. It fits perfect. Nothing to tell about Dainese quality. FC Moto shipped the package right in time and I didn't even need to contact them again. Thank you very much again!
El producto llego un poco tarde pero excelente de muy buena calidad supero mis espectativas
Very good! It’s worth it
Sehr Gut
tolle Jacke für Übergang und Sommer
Die Jacke ist leicht...trotzdem sicher...gute Passform...
verry good! a++++
good for windy and rainy days. exelent choise
Super Jacke
Die Jacke ist perfekt geeignet auch für Frühjahr bis Herbst, da man die Innenjacke herausnehmen kann.
Sitzt gut und sieht super aus.
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