Casa Marques D Dainese Motocicleta Roba interior Dainese D-Core Dry High Mitjons Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese D-Core Dry High Mitjons

Dainese D-Core Dry High Mitjons
  • 31,95 €
    27,15 €
    Us estalvieu 15 %
    • Ús rodó tot l'any
    • Estructura de premsa per optimitzar la compressió muscular
    • Bacteriostàtica, hipoalergènic i anti-olor

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 14
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
3 Deutsch 2 English 1 Italiano 1 Português 1 Český 2 Русский язык 1 中国 1 日本の totes
Size is smaller than you expect.
I have size 43 wide feet (size 44) and ordered size Large socks.
The socks state size 44-46, but if you're over size 44 you might find the socks snug to very tight.
Size large for me was tight and I thought it may 'bite' into the top of my leg, but after two hours I had no discomfort and the socks felt like a second layer of skin.
Socks seemed comfortable in SIDI boots and gave a small bit of padding, which is nice.
Sehr zufrieden
Great !!!
Perfect material, I recommend. :)
Качество отличное ,при этом дико маломерят и плохо растягиваются, размер 41-43 реально на 40-41 тянет, на 42 натягиваю со слезами (
Funzionano, comodi e caldi. Bisogna però acquistare una taglia in più perché molto aderenti.
Good in hot weather conditions
I live in a pretty hot country and use this on track. So, this helps a lot and reasonably comfortable
Produto de elevada qualidade
отличные носки
Tolle Motorradsocken
Super angenehm zu tragende Socken. absolute Kaufempfehlung!
very good
very good
very good
Bequem und unterstützend!