Casa Motocicleta Roba Guants Urbà Dainese Settantadue Ergo72 Guants de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Dainese Settantadue Ergo72 Guants de moto

Dainese Settantadue Ergo72 Guants de moto

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 11
Avaluació mitjana: 5
3 Deutsch 3 English 1 Español 1 日本の 3 한국의 totes
Sehr gut
Super Tragekomfort
Superb Gloves 5*
Superb gloves at a good price compared to the U.K. with no import duty due to the low price point. I have wide hands but not particularly long fingers and XXL fitted me really well. Typical Italian snug but true fit. Soft Nappa leather and nice metal bits on the knuckles look good so if you want a good summer weight short glove then look no further. Best in class for sure
Bequeme und gut aussehende Handschuhe
bequem, sehen gut aus und vermitteln ein sicheres Gefühl ohne zu globig zu wirken
Buenos acabados buen estilo retro con buen cuero y tacto pero un guante moderno y un look muy bonito
Sehr gut
Gute Passform und Griffgefuehl.
Abstreifen durch den Klettverschluss unmöglich.
Protektoren optimal positioniert.
Fühlt sich bei richtig gewählter Größe super an.
Optimal bei warmen Temperaturen.
Feel very good, fit great, look great
Was looking for a stylish but protective short-cuff glove. This model is expensive but satisfying, looks like it will last a long time.

Only wish it would have touchscreen material on the fingertips.
튼튼하고 착용감좋음 실물이 더 고급짐
Good looking and top quality. Perfect fit as Dainese sais
정사이즈입니다 실물이 더욱더이뻐요 착용시 편함