Casa Marques H Held Esport Proteccions Held Citysafe Protectors de genoll Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Held Citysafe Protectors de genoll

Held Citysafe Protectors de genoll
  • 69,95 €
    49,00 €
    Us estalvieu 30 %
    • Protector SAS-TEC® 3D fabricat en escuma tova viscoelàstica EN 1621-2 Nivell 2
    • Teixit de niló (100% niló, recobriment hidròfug de PVC)
    • kN: 9.8 Nivell 2

    Disponible, preparat per a l'enviament en 2 - 3 dies laborables

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 5
Avaluació mitjana: 4,2
1 Deutsch 4 English totes
Great knee protectors - easy to assemble and super comfortable
Super comfortable soft knee protectors. I used them on my day to day ride, mainly when I go on the highways. Really like the fact it is soft material design which makes it very easy to holds the fuel tank in my sports bike and also to grab them in my backpack during the day.
The only cons is that the strap a bit to wide to my legs and I need to short them so it will be more tight. That will make them even better.
Overall great design and functionality for the price.
Coole Protektoren
Der Protektor lässt sich gut anpassen und verrutscht nicht. Hatte auch schon andere Knieprotektoren, die haben nicht so gut funktioniert. Held ist halt immer eine gute Wahl.
The product looks OK but the inner lining on one of them was ripped. Does not affect the function but for a brand new product this shouldn't happen.
Not a good fit
For reference I weigh about 65 kg at 178cm.

My legs aren't exactly thick and the straps on these protectors are absurdly long, with little option for adjustment.

The straps are also very elastic so the protectors easily move around (The inside liner is 100% Polyester which slips on any pant material).

Disregarding the fitment they feel quite comfortable once on.

Quality wise the buckles feel pretty cheap. The outside fabric seems to be durable and pleasant to the eye.

If anybody is wondering the item is made in Pakistan.
Just what I needed
Good product, good service & price. The knee pads are excellent, fit well, aren't too bulky and stay where they're supposed to. The previous in built ones were always riding up. Plus they work with other trousers. Including my 1980's wax cotton ones