Casa Motocicleta Roba Jaquetes Cuir HolyFreedom Level Jaqueta de cuir per a motocicletes Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a HolyFreedom Level Jaqueta de cuir per a motocicletes

HolyFreedom Level Jaqueta de cuir per a motocicletes
  • 279,00 €
    251,90 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • Compost de cuir genuí de vaca dividida que ha estat provat per a la resistència a l'abrasió
    • Tots els pedaços externs són originals HolyFreedom®
    • Els botons metàl·lics són personalitzats holyfreedom®

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 5
3 English 1 Русский язык totes
I absolutely love this jacket, but it's more a fashion jacket than a real riding jacket. It's still probably my favourite jacket though, for fit and styling.

I also have the holyfreedom zero jacket in yellow. The zero jacket is heavier leather and has shoulder, elbow and back protection and a thermal liner. It's an excellent riding jacket.

This jacket (level) is incredibly well made and looks fantastic but does not have any extra protection. Its more of a spring/summer jacket. However, the lack of protection makes it fit and look even better than the zero jacket.

I'm 185cm and about 78kg and the M is a slightly tight but perfect fit. I have long arms but the arms fit perfectly. I could not be happier.
Great jacket
It fitted all protectors well and looks magnificent
I am 191 tall 2xl is a perfect match
HollyFreedom is very good quality
Sehr hochwertige Jacke
Sehr hochwertige Jacke, muss nur 1 oder 2 Nummern größer gekauft werden. Ich bin 172 cm groß und wiege 73 kg, also fällt Größe L dunkel aus.