Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Viseres LS2 FF320/FF353/FF800 Visera Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a LS2 FF320/FF353/FF800 Visera

LS2 FF320/FF353/FF800 Visera
  • des de 42,36 €
    • resistent a les ratllades
    • amb preparació per a Pinlock Max Vision
    • disponible clar, tenyit o reflectit

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 11
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 Français 1 Español 4 Português 1 Svenska 1 Русский язык totes
Отличный визор. Не искажает объекты .
Отличный визор. Не искажает объекты .
Dunkelt schön ab, bei Sonnenschein
Das Visier ist komplett verspiegelt und daher auch ein super Sonnenvisier, so muss ich nicht die ganze Zeit, die Augen zusammen kneifen. Sehr angenehm.
Muito bom
Muita boa visibilidade mesmo à noite, ficando o capacete mais bonito, na minha opinião.
i would rate this products really good!
They fit the helmet perfectly and super easy to change. Also the quality on the visors feels really good! I am really happy about the products and would recommend my friends to buy it.
Excelente, visão muito boa
muy bien esta perfecto
tardo un mes en llegar a mi casa
Rendu +++ qualité de finition ---
Bien emballé et couleur vraiment superbe.
La qualité perçue fait un peu peur au montage mais dans l'ensemble et pour ce tarif c'est plus que correct
fullpott!mkt bra. såg väldigt bra ut oxå inifrån.
Väldigt lättmonterad, passform bättre än original.ser ingenting in, ser allting ut o det är ej mkt mörkare än vanliga visiret när man tittar ut. Är mkt nöjd. Och imvisiret skruvas fast, vilket är mkt bättre än originalet som man bara knäppte fast, o som trillade av när man närmade sig med torktrasen.Köp det, inget att tveka över!
Viseira com uma visão muito nítida e com excelente proteção solar e dá um look fenomenal a qualquer capacete.
Muito bom.
Very good
After 3k km with 90% on highways (in Germany and Poland) in strong winds and rain (in Poland the highways are very gritty and dirty so it tests the scratch resistance pretty y well) at speeds between 120 and 160kph.
And in time of April you will encounter a lot of bugs of different sizes that want to ride along on you and the bike.
Cleaned the (dark smoke) visor and no scratches at all after all this.
Ofcourse the sun is a big factor in checking how durable the product is, unfortunately i can't say much about that as I have the visor for a relatively short time.

I just hope it will not start to lose the inside coating (like the icon visors do. By the way - you can remove this inner coating on those icon visors to have a clean "new" visor again. Just need some time on your hands)