Casa Motocicleta Motocròs Proteccions Leatt X-Frame Brackets de genoll Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Leatt X-Frame Brackets de genoll

Leatt X-Frame Brackets de genoll
  • 549,00 €
    466,00 €
    Us estalvieu 15 %
    • Marc compost de carboni injectat
    • Frontisses asimètriques
    • 40% de frontissa interior més prim per a bicicleta superior Feel

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 12
Avaluació mitjana: 4,7
4 Deutsch 3 English 1 Español 1 Dansk 1 Português 2 Русский язык totes
Top Preis und top Qualität. Bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden.
Fahre jetzt seit paar Monaten das Knieorthese
Over all, Great
Can't complaint about much they look beautiful, feel light, fitting is perfect. The only thing I don't like at all, are the straps in the middle, because it's impossible to get a tight fit and use the removable clips, if you wish to use the clips you will have to keep them loose, and the clip on top is extremely hard to get on and off. If they change does clips these braces will be a 100% satisfaction product I guarantee it.
144kg und es passt, super für das Geld
Ich fühle mich sehr sicher , sie sind etwas wuchtig aufgebaut , aber ich würde sie wieder kaufen , hatte einige verschiedene zur anprobieren bestellt , diese sind die einzigen die xxl gepasst haben.
super godt.
Fantastisk knæ beskytter, høj kvalitet og høj beskyttelses evne, meget fleksibel og bevægelig når du har dem på, jeg kan til enhver tid anbefale dem til alle off road, motocross og enduro kørerer.
Past perfect
Ich habe noch nie Protektoren gehabt die so wenig auffallen. Man merkt sie förmlich gar nicht! Volle Bewegungsfreiheit perfekt.
Excellent protection that I need. Very sturdy construction.
Be patient while waiting for deliveries. It took me more than one month after placing the order due to pandemic. Have not tried door to door DHL delivery though. Nevertheless, FCMoto was in constant response when I needed follow-up. Great work, good service. Will order again. You have one satisfied customet here.
Muy satisfecho
Passt sehr gut

Top Produkt
My knees measure 36cm circumference. Ordered size M according to size chart and they are spot on. I would say maximum borderline limit in size M. I wore the braces on normal commute to work, full day fitted in the office with no complaints. Be mindful the knee cap of the braces extends well forward when bent. I wore it with my alpinestars Wings air textile pants with no accordion panel and mobility is ok. I am no extreme rider but just simply after the protection the knee brace offers. I wear with with my Gaerne SG12 no problem off road. I can even wear it on road with my Forma ice pro boots, and Dainese Street Rocker shoes without any issues with my calf measuring 37cm circumference. I am now wearing knee braces for added protection on the road while on commute after my crash falling with just the knee pads on. No irritation or restriction whatsoever. Thank you FC moto.
A joelheira tem um encaixe perfeito, com proteção garantida, confortável, preço razoável, recomendo essa joelheira
Брейсы сами по себе хорошие, но левый пришел поцарапанный и без одного внутреннего вкладыша. На обращение - предложили вернуть (((
Брейсы сами по себе хорошие, но левый пришел поцарапанный и без одного внутреннего вкладыша. На обращение по этому замечанию - предложили вернуть (((

The brace itself is good, but the left one came scratched and without one inner liner. On appeal on this note - they offered to return (((
Пркупал их с хорошей скидкой. За эти деньги брейсы хороши! На ноге сидят удобно и комфортно при условии, что размер подобран правильно. Не жмут, не давят, не сползают. На вид, в плане защиты, внушают доверие.