Casa Motocicleta Botes Turisme Modeka Muddy Track Evo Botes moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Modeka Muddy Track Evo Botes moto

Modeka Muddy Track Evo Botes moto
  • 129,90 €
    116,95 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • Pell de vaca Napa Nappa i pell recoberta de PU
    • Hipora membrana®: 100% impermeable, windproof, transpirable
    • Ajust d'amplada per 2 sivella de tancaments

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 11
Avaluació mitjana: 4,2
1 Deutsch 4 English 1 Português 1 Русский язык 4 日本の totes
Fits good
Удобные,в дождь не проверял.
Good boots
Sizing correct, I usually wear 43, and ordered 43 fits perfectly.
Feels comfortable.
Fits good. I dont know why its called Muddy track,in foto sole looks more off road, but in real boots are road type.
Good quality.
Boots are comfortable and well built. I tough these boots would be more muddy orientated, but sole is flat with couple cuts.
Good !
Super Stiefel...passen sehr gut obwohl ich etwas breitere füsse habe..sind sehr bequem..sehr praktisch das man die Stiefel über die schnallen auf die jeweiligen Füße einstellen kann..
Alles in einem ein tolles Produkt und absolut zu empfehlen
Comfortable and works well
It's comfortable and works well with my dual sport bike. The height is just right. I do wish the toe box is a bit wider so that the toes can spread apart, but that applies to all the motorcycle boots in the market.
Muito bom!
Veio relativamente rápido e a entrega correu bem. Vem com uma pecinha onde aperta a bota um pouco despertada, perto das fivelas. Serve perfeitamente, tendo em conta que calço o 37,pedi o n. Acima.