Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Abatibles Nolan N100-5 Hilltop N-Com Casc Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Nolan N100-5 Hilltop N-Com Casc

Nolan N100-5 Hilltop N-Com Casc
  • 459,99 €
    321,99 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Visera: extra ampla, fabricada en Lexan, recobert resistent a les ratllades
    • Visera solar UV 400: cavaller fosc, fabricat en Lexan, recobert resistent a les ratllades
    • Interior: coixinets de coll extraïbles i rentables i extraïbles

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 8
Avaluació mitjana: 4,5
4 Deutsch 4 English totes
Good qulity but delivery was little bit late by German post.
When Delivery by DHL had no taxs, but by German post was paid taxs.
Super Helm
Gute Passform, gute Klappmechanik. Super für Brillenträger
Very Good
Great bit of kit, exactly as advertised, good quality throughout
Influenced choice of helmet on the wide vision aperture, flip front and added bonus of the Pinlock insert. Quick to adjust fitment, good comfortable fit. Made by Nolan, great looking helmet, good price, what’s not to like?
All Very good except creaking noise
Overall very satisfied helmet fit perfectly. Only real issue was a creaking noise from the right ear area. The noise was there with every step I made when just walking . Was sorry to return the helmet as now I have to look for another that will fit.
Super, passt gut, sehr leicht, gute Mechanik. Sehr gut für Brillenträger.
Pass gut
Leider bin ich nicht gefahren
Sehr gut mit Brille
Der Helm fühlt sich sehr gut an. Macht einen wertigen Eindruck. Meine Brille ist umterm Helm gar nicht zu spüren. Die Aretierung des offenen Kinnteils gefällt mir gut. TOP