Casa Motocicleta Botes Turisme RST Adventure-X WP Botes moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a RST Adventure-X WP Botes moto

RST Adventure-X WP Botes moto
  • 189,95 €
    161,95 €
    Us estalvieu 15 %
    • Material exterior principal: microfibra
    • Material secundari: microfibra de pell d'ant
    • Revestiment de membrana impermeable SinAqua

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 4,5
1 Deutsch 1 English 2 Italiano totes
Preis /Leistung stark!
Für ca 150 Euro ein wirklich guter Stiefel. Wasserdichtigkeit konnte ich noch nicht testen.
Bin wirklich positiv überrascht...Kaufempfehlung!
As expected for off rod
Ottimi stivali da adventure
Stivali ideali per un uso adventure e per off-road non troppo spinto. Buona indossabilità, buon comfort e buon grip della suola su fango e neve. Tengono caldo. Calzano poco quindi chi ad esempio indossa un 45 dovrebbe comprare un 47.
Good, solid boots
I found this boot to be a good, solid boot. The fit is true to size and quite wide. The buckles and velcro works fine. The inner sole is very flimsy and I would recommend a replacement for better fit and long range comfort.

They're warm and wateproof, I have only used them in In cold and wet weather (autumn in Sweden) and I suspect they might be too warm for summer use.

They're a bit bulky and you need a wide trouser leg unless you like the boot to go on the outside. The sole can be a bit slippery on wet surfaces, so pay attention on where you put your feet when you come to a stop.

Overall I am very satisfied with this boot.