Casa Marques R Rukka Jaquetes Rukka Matti Gore-Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Rukka Matti Gore-Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil

Rukka Matti Gore-Tex Jaqueta de tèxtil
  • 599,90 €
    299,90 €
    Us estalvieu 50 %
    • Resistent a l'abrasió aprovades mc Cordura 500.
    • Transpirable, vent i impermeable amb membrana Gore-Tex Z-revestiment

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    * Camps obligatoris
    Nombre d'avaluacions: 8
    Avaluació mitjana: 5
    1 English totes
    rukka make the best kit
    Preis Leistungsverhältniss passt
    Gut zu tragende Jacke, sehr große Innentaschen auf beiden Seiten.

    Wenn die Handschuhe im Ärmel getragen werden, muss der Klettverschluss am Arm muss immer ganz korrrekt geschlossen werden. Ansonsten zieht es in den Ärmel hier wäre ein Gummizug eine kleine Verbesserung!
    For the price it is the best value jacket I've ever had.Comfortable and the fit is great.Well constructed and smart.I've used it in heavy rain and no leaks found.Fully recommend.
    Excellent jacket overall
    Very comfortable.
    Fully waterproof
    Nice fit
    Great quality

    It is a bargain to buy such a product at this price !
    I ride 365 days a year and since I bought this jacket from FC moto I don't wear anything else, 5 stars for this jacket in all department and totally waterproof. If I had one tiny niggle I hate the big Rukka R on the back but thats just me and would never be put off by it being there. Vin
    Very pleased.excellent jacket very warm and not to heavy.
    Well constructed. Sizing is correct. Great Value.
    tres superieur a bering et surtout plus confortable
    merci encore