Casa Marques S Schuberth M1 Metropolitan 1 Schuberth M1 Metropolitan 1 Amsterdam Casc de moto antracita Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Schuberth M1 Metropolitan 1 Amsterdam Casc de moto antracita

Schuberth M1 Metropolitan 1 Amsterdam Casc de moto antracita

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 7
Avaluació mitjana: 4,7
1 Deutsch 1 English 1 Nederlands 1 Português 1 Русский язык totes
Very good.
I've bought it like March this year together with a communication BT module. We made together 6000+ km . The helmet is light, fits perfectly (XL) and pads are soft enough to feel You like comfortable in it. Pinlock (not included) works. Ventilation holes in a visor blows a bit too intensiv on the eyes, that for persons with sensitive eyes can be problematic. Builit-in intercom works perfectly paired with iphone 7, useless over to 140 km/h where nois is to high for any disscusion. Visibility and angle of view are not limited by helmet parts .Ventilation system on top of the helmet need to be somehow worked out (sealed or better filtred); I caught two wasp inside helmet through it, fortunately they were dazed and did not sting me.
Before I drove with Nolan N43 - not comparable to Schuberth. I recomend Schuberth M1 as a very good and comfortable jet helmet.
Erg fijne helm zeer robuust. Je merkt wel dat het een helm uit het duurdere segment is. Enige minpuntje, had hem eigenlijk iets stiller verwacht te zijn.
Produto excelente
Estou bastante satisfeito com o capacete. Ele é exatamente o que eu buscava. Apesar de aberto, com a viseira abaixada (por ser maior que o normal, por exemplo AGV), o barulho do vento é consideravelmente menor. Comprei junto com o Schuberth SRC System M1, e dá pra ouvir música e fazer chamadas tranquilamente. O ideal é comprar tb o sistema de comunicação. FC moto 100%
Great helmet. Very comfortable. I was wrong with the size, the store changed me for another without additional payment. I'm happy.
Klasse Passform, starke Geräuschdämmung
Schon viele Helme haben den Weg auf meinen Kopf gefunden, keiner saß und sitzt so gut, wie der Schuberth.
This helmet is very light.Wind noise is small.
Sehr guter Helm, hoher Tragekomfort