Casa Marques S Scott Carretera Guants Scott Distinct 2 GT Gore-Tex Guants moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Scott Distinct 2 GT Gore-Tex Guants moto

Scott Distinct 2 GT Gore-Tex Guants moto

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 11
Avaluació mitjana: 4,4
2 Deutsch 3 English 1 Italiano 1 中国 totes
Prodotto ok,rapporto qualità prezzo ottimo
Guanto molto ben fatto,sono comodi e veramente caldi,gli ho usati in moto con temperature di poco inferiori allo zero restando con le mani abbastanza calde. Acquisto consigliato
According to size chart I should have bought size L but thinking that they will break in I bought size M. They are way too big for me. Since they are quite baggy they don't keep me hot as well. I'm really unsatisfied with SCOTT.
Very good!
Very impressed with it and I'd recommend in particular for winter and wet weather riding. It's made of a very comfortable, thick material which will keep your hands warm. That also means for people who live or plan to ride in hot countries (especially in summer), consider getting a pair of lighter gloves to compliment this. The gloves are also very thick, which takes some getting used to especially if you plan to ride offroad. Otherwise, this is a very well-made pair of gloves and perfect for long-distance touring.
Sehr guter Tragekomfort, gute Passform. Sehr gute Verarbeitung, hält dicht. Für die Übergangszeit sehr geeignet.
Empfehle ich gerne weiter.
Top Handschuh
Gibt es nichts daran auszusetzen. Hält, was er versprach.
Muito bom
Para viagens à chuva são boas e confortáveis
Sitzen perfekt! Gutes Gefühl / Tastsinn in den Fingern! Für mich die richtige Ergänzung zur Scott Jacke.
Long life, good product
I have been using these gloves for like 1 year now, it has unbelieveable cold and water protection even in heavy snowy weathers. can even use smartphones while they are on. 10/10 would recommend.
impeccable !