Hlavní stránka Motocykl Oblečení Bundy Kožené Dainese Racing 3 Perforované motocyklová kožená bunda Hodnocení

Hodnocení zákazníků pro položku Dainese Racing 3 Perforované motocyklová kožená bunda

Dainese Racing 3 Perforované motocyklová kožená bunda

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* Povinná pole
Počet hodnocení: 15
Průměrné hodnocení: 4,9
1 Deutsch 6 English 2 Français 1 Italiano 1 Русский язык 2 中国 1 polski 1 한국의 vše
정말 좋습니다
It fits perfectly because it was the same size I knew, and the quality I expected was good.
I ordered the same size as other dainese jacket products. It fits perfectly because it was the same size I knew, and the quality I expected was good.
Super qualité
super veste rien à redire, pas tres confortable mais c'est l'esprit racing qui va avec, va parfaitement avec un pantalon dainese alpha
Polecam bardzo wygodna dobrze wykonana.
jeżdżę w tej kurtce w sezonie letnim i idealnie się sprawdza w gorące dni wentylacja i perforowana skóra się sprawdza, w chłodne poranki ok 8-9 stopni warto zakładać pod spód coś cieplejszego np (bielizna termiczna).
W tej cenie (kupiłem na promocji -29%) nie można się do niczego przyczepić kurtka idealnie łączy się ze spodniami dainese delata 3 więc zestaw po połączeniu wygląda jak 2 częściowy kombinezon :)
High quality and comfortable product.
First of all, I'm so satisfied. As expected, it is dainese and FCMOTO. The jacket I bought earlier fits my size well. One regret is that the delivery is a little slow. Of course, it is Europe and Asia, but it is the 21st century and it takes a month.. I understand about 3 weeks. But it is a little bit sad that it is more than 4 weeks. Whenever you are curious or have a problem, you will be satisfied to give feedback immediately when you contact us via email. The bottom line is very good except for a little slow delivery!!! I always look forward to your company's prosperity.
The leather is good for now. It also has a good color. The tax jacket in the house has my own skin, so I think it is the type of leather without my own blood It's a little sad that I don't have any blood. I wish I had a thin inner ear. And there is a Velcro on the wrist, but it is not for adjustment but for covering the rings of the zipper. I thought about what it would be like if it were for control. Overall, I like it very much. I don't think it's a bad idea to collect our opinions if there are many customers who think the same thing as me later I think that's what your company is doing to improve and bigger. Thank you for always making good products and selling them at good prices. I always look forward to the prosperity of your company.
Дайнез, ну вы сами понимаете.
Куртка отличная, 2 внутренних, 2 наружных кармана, на скорости хорошо продувается (перфорация жыж).
Правда дайнез слегка маломерит и прежде чем заказывать лучше сходить в магаз померить. Я 180/75, объем груди 103. Взял 50 размер, в плечах и подмышках впритык, а вот на талии и в спине свободно , возможно это место для защиты спины оставлено.
Exactement ce que je cherchais, un blouson cuir très aéré !!
Super finition
Rien à redire, je recommande
Ben fatto deluso delle protezioni di tipo 1
be of good quality
It gets tight.
I am height180 weight 80 kg
be light in product
klasse Jacke
Sehr gute Passform, durch die Perforation im Brustbereich eher für wärmere Tage geeignet - mir persönlich ist der Wind unter 19°C zu frisch. Trotz der Protektoren noch guter Tragekomfort. Innentasche im Brustbereich ausreichend groß. Die Seitentaschen genügen allemal für einen Schlüssel, kleinen Geldbeutel oder Tempos.
Another top quality race bred jacket from Dianese
I purchased the perforated version which is cool in more ways than one, temperature and looks! Great fit as they usually are and a big improvement over the previous model it replaces. Great Jacket which compliments the misano pants perfectly.
This manufacturer This product is very good. If there is no mistake in choosing the size, the fit is the best.
We are very happy to be able to purchase very expensive items at low prices. I look forward to future corporate efforts.