Casa Marques B Black-Cafe London Guants Black-Cafe London Retro Guants moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Black-Cafe London Retro Guants moto

Black-Cafe London Retro Guants moto

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 13
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
2 Deutsch 4 English 1 Nederlands 2 Français 2 Português 1 Русский язык 1 한국의 totes
I like it.
Have a good fit
Cool design !!
sehr gute qualität
Fijne zomerhandschoen met mooie retro look
Comfortabele handschoenen voor de zomerperiode. Mooie retro look en lekker licht. De handschoenen ademen goed, waardoor je geen zweethanden krijgt
Luvas cómodas, maleáveis mas não são para grandes viagens. Luvas feitas para a cidade dando valor ao estilo e menos à funcionalidade.
Перчатки супер
Отличные перчатки, качество и визуальный вид на высоте... размер подошел.
손이 작은편인데 딱 맞네요
알리꺼보다는 낫겠죠ㅋㅋ
Good sturdy material, horrible logo
Good sturdy material overall.
The logo looks nothing like the picture; looks like someone forgot about the white highlights and made them with a sharpie which is a shame as the gloves look pretty cool.
super style,bonne qualité!!
rien a fire dur c’est super gant stylé,seul defaut,pas d’etiquette CE pour la france!!!dommage car doin disant obligatoire!!!
quite good
Schöne Handschuhe!
- Coole Optik!
- Gute Verarbeitung!
- Angenehm zu tragen!
- Größe passt wie angegeben.
Great looking and perfect fit
Very cool and light gloves for the summer times. Easy hand movement on the bike in this gloves. Light and short enough for not getting your hands too warm in summertime. Would recommend.
Very stylish and comfortable gloves and size is appropriate.
super design,tres agreable a porter!
seul anomalie,on n’a pas d’étiquette d’homologation,ce quiest dommage!!!sinon top!!