Casa Marques O Oxford Roba Roba impermeable Oxford Rainseal Vestit d'una sola peça Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Oxford Rainseal Vestit d'una sola peça

Oxford Rainseal Vestit d'una sola peça

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La seva opinió només es publicarà aquí, i ens ajudarà a millorar la qualitat dels articles que oferim.
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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 9
Avaluació mitjana: 4,2
1 Deutsch 4 English 1 Español 1 Português 1 Svenska 1 Český totes
Ich bin zufrieden
Die Tasche um den Anzug zu verstauen ist durch das Futter kaum zugänglich und schwer zu benutzen. An der Stelle sind die Nähte auch nicht ganz stabil.
Der Anzug ist nicht atmungsaktiv.
Der Anzug ist nicht windanfällig, gut zu benutzen und trotz Weite gut einstellbar.
not amazing
Este produto não é à prova de água. Usei num dia de chuva mais intensa e fiquei todo molhado nas calças. Comprei exactamente para aguentar temporais e paguei mais por isso e desiludiu!
Wear XL.This XL came good on top of protection.
It does what it was designed to do!
Bezva nepromok.
Mohl být delší stahovací pás v pase.
Quality product
100% satisfied
Seems decent for the price paid
Haven't had the chance to wet-test it yet.
Tried it on with full gear on and it fits me perfectly. I ordered size XL and I am 178cm tall with normal build (no belly ;)
If you are taller than 180cm you should start going up in sizes.
I choose this product mainly because of the hi-viz color. Had to many close calls with low-viz clothing.
Really good weatherproofing suit, tested in the tropical rainstorms of Far North Queensland, Australia.
Sizing is generous, quality of manufacture is very good. Shipping was prompt and well priced.