Casa Motocicleta Roba Accessoris / recanvis Revit Safeway 30 Cinturó Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Safeway 30 Cinturó

Revit Safeway 30 Cinturó
  • 52,99 €
  • Safeway 30 fa possible connectar el seu texans a la jaqueta amb cremallera a la connexió. Utilitzant el cinturó, estaràs més segur i més còmode ja que l'esquena no estar exposat a la intempèrie.

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 5
Avaluació mitjana: 3,8
2 Deutsch 2 English 1 中国 totes
It’s good quality, my minor regret is that the belt could be wider in size. The back part with zipper is useless in my opinion.
Works, after modification
I had to cut a 40mm x 75mm hole in the back so it would clear the belt loops on my Resurgence New Wave jeans. I suppose it works perfectly on Revit jeans, and I suspected it would be like this, but I figured it would be easy to modify and it was. I may have voided the warranty and increased its risk of failure, but considering it had a hole to begin with and its still better than nothing I'm happy with it. Revit does need to make a version with more allowance for other jeans, and would ideally sell just the zipper sleve

The belt itself is nice and futuristic, but is just a belt. I bought size 85 and it fits in the 2nd hole on my size 32 jeans
Passt nicht auf ALLE Revit Jacken. Steht aber so im Katalog. Blöd. Hab zurück senden müssen.
Gute Idee teuer vermarktet
Schöne funktionelle Ausführung zum stolzen Preis. Im Grunde reicht ja das hintere Adapterteil, welches aber nicht einzeln verkauft wird