Casa Motocicleta Roba Jaquetes Tèxtils Rukka Comfo-R GTX Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Rukka Comfo-R GTX Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta

Rukka Comfo-R GTX Jaqueta tèxtil de motocicleta
  • 679,00 €
    • 100% durador transpirable, resistent al vent i impermeable Gore-Tex® membrana Z-Liner sota el teixit exterior
    • Reforços 500D CORDURA resistents a l'abrasió® sobre espatlles i colzes
    • Teixit exterior 500D resistent a l'abrasió Cordura®

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 6
Avaluació mitjana: 5
2 Deutsch 2 English 1 Dansk 1 한국의 totes
This is my second one of these jackets following a crash in May of this year.
The paramedics had to cut the last one off me!
They commented that the abrasion resistance and armour fitted was probably the best they had seen and 100% lessened my injuries.
super pasform og model
Super Tragekomfort
Hab die Jacke bis jetzt 3x getragen, bin zufrieden. Mal sehen, wie sie bei warmen Wetter ist
Sehr bequeme Jacke.
Sehr bequeme Jacke ,mit gutem Tragekomfort.Den Neoprenkragen empfinde ich als angenehm,allerdings könnte er für manchen etwas eng sein,vor allem mit dem im Kragen verstauten Sturmkragen (ich lasse den Sturmkragen meist draußen . Ich habe die Jacke bei Außentemperaturen von 8-24 Grad als angenehm empfunden .
Great jacket, unfortunately I had an accident after 4 wears. Friday 13th of May!
The paramedics had to cut the jacket off me, they actually commented on how sturdy the material was and that the 3DO armour had greatly minimised the level of my injuries.
In rehab now and will be saving up to get another Rukka jacket.
194cm 85kg size54 앞쪽 기장이 살짝 짧은것 같지만,
팔 어깨 가슴 전체적으로 잘 맞아 만족합니다.
기온이 30도 가까이 올라가면 어깨 가슴 부위가 조금 더워 지는데,
통풍구가 없는 것이 조금 아쉽지만 품질은 매우 만족합니다.