Casa Motocicleta Cascs i accessoris Abatibles Shark Evo-One Priya Matt Casc Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Shark Evo-One Priya Matt Casc

Shark Evo-One Priya Matt Casc
  • 429,95 €
    344,00 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Visera Pinlock MaxVision
    • Sistema de "auto-amunt i avall auto"
    • Una cobertura integrada"completa" sol Visera

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 5
Avaluació mitjana: 4,6
1 Deutsch 2 English 1 Nederlands 1 Español totes
Good enough but not great
The overall quality of the helmet seems nice, and the "jet" configuration, with the chin all the way back works really well.
The main problem I found was with the locking mechanism when trying to switch from the full face position to the jet and vice versa. It always feels like it's a bit stuck and needs a bit of getting used to. I personally don't like the overall shape of the helmet when it's fully closed.
Other than that, it works well, and I would recommend it for what it is.
Good Quality/Price report
For a modular helmet is quiet and it doesn't fell heavy at all. With the chin on the over-head position you can easily go with 70-80 km/h without feeling the wind in the face.

The only con is that I need both hands to close it properly.
Een heerlijke helm
Goede pasvorm en zit heerlijk
Passgenau. Gute Verarbeitung. Sergut
Totalmente recomendable