Casa Motocicleta Proteccions de moto Pit Alpinestars A-10 Full Protector toràcic Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Alpinestars A-10 Full Protector toràcic

Alpinestars A-10 Full Protector toràcic
  • 229,95 €
    206,95 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • Protector plaques tret arrelat Tecnologia grid sota les closques que absorbeix i es dissipa les forces d'impactes. Quadrícula tecnologia mòbil sistema permet una major ventilació flexibility i l'aire mentre modelos significativament reduïen el pes. 


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Nombre d'avaluacions: 9
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
7 English 1 Nederlands 1 Русский язык totes
Very Good!
This is the product I wanted. It's just the right size for your body. The quality is good, the price is cheap and I'm very satisfied.
The front side of the LEATE DBX BRACE is inside the protector.
Since the side part is a soft form, I want a hard shell.
It's easy to take off and easy to wear it with buckles.
and also easy to make you fit with your body, using buckles
It's light but it's hard.
Compare to leatt chest protectors, the arm protectors are easy to take off and on with belco types but very strong to hold it.
very good
this chest protector is very comfortable and seats very well on the body.
the shoulder protectors holds in place and not moving (like other top brands)
i'm very pleased.
Very good.
Excellent quality, light weight and well designed with good ventilation body protector
Very good quality
Очень красиво, вполне удобно,не сковывает движения, качество нормальное,одна заклепка была некачественная