Casa Motocicleta Botes Ciutat Alpinestars Primer Sabates de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Alpinestars Primer Sabates de moto

Alpinestars Primer Sabates de moto
  • 209,95 €
    188,90 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • El Primer presumeix d'una última causal que li dóna una excel·lent sensació esponjosa sota els peus per a la comoditat de tot el dia.
    • Snug fit juntament amb un ampli volum interior crea una sabata que ofereix una excepcional comoditat al peu tot rodó.
    • Els solcs flex a peu ofereixen nivells millorats de flexió mentre caminen.

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 10
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
2 Deutsch 6 English 1 Русский язык 1 日本の totes
5 star
Well designed, really comfortable
Quality Product
The product really reflects the quality of alpinestars, you can buy it blindfolded.
Отличные кеды для городской езды
Бренд говорит сам за себя, классный дизайн и отличное качество.
Подошва жесткая, держит форму и достаточно удобная для ходьбы. Пятка хорошо зафиксирована.
Не оч сильно защищены костяшки, на мой взгляд, но нужно понимать, что это кеды для городской езды
Super lightweight and comfortable. Great riding experience.
High quality materials and overall construction. Flexible and breathable. Didn’t test them with heavy rain but no problem at all dealing with summer showers.
Sporty look closes the deal. I would recommend these boots.
good quality product
These are a good summer riding shoes, very comfy & keep the foot cool.
Sizing was accurate too, wouldn't use a thick sock on my size.
Product arrived prompt & well packaged
Sehr guter Schuh
Der Schuh ist ein prima Alltag Schuh mit guter Motorradfunktion the. Die Passgröße ist optimal. Wenn der Schuh am linken Fuß noch etwas verstärkt wäre Wäre das Schalterlebnis noch besser
Very happy with these.

Looks-5 stars. Also great for casual wear.
Fit- true to size and very comfy. Order your usual size.
Feel-very nice balance of ground to foot feel. I feel connected to the bike. Can easily feel the shift lever and pegs.
Support and protection-stiff ankle support and thick forefoot. Sole is also stiff side to side but flexible enough up and down.

Ordering was also easy and shipping was fast.
Sehr gut
Great product
Looks good , comfortable and breathable nice for easy commutes on warm sunny days! Most importantly it's safe to wear while riding!