Casa Motocicleta Accessoris Seguretat / primers auxilis Macna Vision Tech Armilla de seguretat Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Macna Vision Tech Armilla de seguretat

Macna Vision Tech Armilla de seguretat

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 4
Avaluació mitjana: 4,8
2 Deutsch 2 English totes
Gutes Produkt
Die Warnweste ist vom Schnitt optimal. Leider nicht mit allen Jacken kompatibel. Habe mir mit Klettszreifen ausgeholfen. Größer muss eine Warnweste Nichtsein!!
Very good
Love the vest. Only downside is that if you have jacket from other manufacturers, you have to attach it with a clip. No problem though you can buy a plastic clip in any store. Overall the vest is great, visible and comfortable to wear. Safety first
Sehr gute Qualität
Fühle mich damit sicherer und dadurch schon bezahlt gemacht!
Finally perfect safety vest
It takes ages until somebody finally understood that motorcycle safety reflective vest need to be short and just on the top of the body. There, the vest is always visible and does not act as another jacket. It seems this Macna vest is unique on the market.
Please note, this vest was designed to be attached just to original Macna jacket. But with small adaptation you can sew a buckle on your chest to close the vest.