Casa Motocicleta Roba Guants Urbà Revit Cayenne 2 Guants de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Revit Cayenne 2 Guants de moto

Revit Cayenne 2 Guants de moto
  • 139,99 €
    125,90 €
    Us estalvieu 10 %
    • pell de cabra tenyida de tambor i perforada
    • teixit conductor al dit índex i al polze per al funcionament de la pantalla tàctil
    • folre de tricot

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 10
Avaluació mitjana: 4,4
2 Deutsch 6 English 1 Nederlands 1 中国 totes
4 stars for size
a little bit smaller than dainese gloves,
I think dainese S size equal to Rev'it M size
Sehr durchschnittlich
Habe diese Handschuhe in Größe "L + XL" probiert.
Eigentlich ein tolles Produkt aber liebe Rev'It Designer
wie kann mann auf der Außenseite vom Daumen noch so eine nach innen liegende Naht konstruieren? Vor allem auf der rechten Seite Gashand, wo die Hand immer geballt und in Bewegung ist. Nach 30 bis 40 Minuten wird der Druck- und Reibeschmerz auf der Außenseite vom Daumen unerträglich. Leider zurück!
Tight and needs a bigger size
The protection of the fingers is causing some tightness in the movement. After 1 hour riding, I checked that there are lines of pressure on my hand and my little finger. Besides, that the build quality is very good as well as the grip. I like the short cuff.
Handschoen zit heerlijk tegenover mijn vorige paar handschoenen die vrij snel kapot gegaan zijn. De handschoen is ook genoeg geventileerd.
I expected better
The protection at the fingers are rather causing discomfort for long rides. Design is nice along the texture and the fit at the wrists.
real deal
I hate summer heat as the temperature in Romania can go abive 35*C so I was looking for gloves that don't make my hands sweat. I've made about 500km with these gloves and they are true to their advertising, very cool during travel, good airflow and feeling.
You will have to be patient that the leather will get smooth with your hands, it can be tight at the beginning. They are very comfortable for long rides. For short, city rides I use other gloves, easier to take off.
Impressed with the placement of hand protections and sliders. These are good gloves. Bit on the warmer side for hot weather and air vents move air through only if you take hands off the handlebar.
Once strapped in the gloves won't fly off your hands.
Toller Sommer-Handschuh, klasse Verarbeitung