Casa Marques R Rukka Pantalons Rukka Claus Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Rukka Claus

Rukka Claus
  • 39,95 €
    • Mida 1: homes 44 – 48, senyora 32 – 44
    • Size2: homes 50 – 66, senyora 46 – 50

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 16
Avaluació mitjana: 4,9
6 Deutsch 6 English 1 Nederlands 1 Italiano 1 Suomi 1 Český totes
Vanhojen henkseleiden jousto oli kadoksissa mutta nyt housut pysyvät jälleen ylhäällä!
Last genau, sind robust und guter Tragekomfort
Last praktisch gut.
Kvalitní zboží
Highly rated.
Designed for and fits the Rukka trousers perfectly. Quality product.
Great product at great price
Bought to compliment my wife's Rukka trousers and jacket. Easy to pair with the trousers and very comfortable whilst wearing. FC Moto came through again beating the competition on price. Very happy.
Guter Sitz der Hose durch die Träger
Durch den Träger sitzt die Hose viel besser und rutsch nicht.
Der Kauf hat den Offlane komplettiert und der Kombi paßt.
Da kann man nach dem Kauf der Hose auch mal ein paar Kilo abnehmen ohne das man dauernd die Hose hochziehen muss. :-)
Usual Rukka Quality
Took a bit of time to figure out how to attach them to the trousers but once fitted, excellent product.
halten sehr gut
I would like them to be a little bit longer.
Fast Delivery to Leeds, UK. Exactly what I wanted and for a good price. The product was exactly as described. Perfect for me.
Had good tracking updates throughout the process and didn't take long to arrive. My first time ordering from FC Moto..I'll definitely be back.
Ottimo prodotto
Bretelle molto solide e ben costruite, Rukka non si smentisce! L’allungamento è corto, in modo che le bretelle facciano il giusto lavoro. Senza bretelle i pantaloni tendono a cadere, con queste bretelle invece restano al loro posto e diventano ancora più confortevoli.
kwaliteit is perfect
Die Hosenträger halten.
Sehr gut
Vermutlich hatte ich die Größe 1 statt der Größe 2 bestellt? Jedenfalls passte der Träger noch exakt an der äußersten Stelle.
Fast Delivery to Leeds, UK. Exactly what I wanted and for a good price. The product was exactly as described. Perfect for me.
Had good tracking updates throughout the process and didn't take long to arrive. My first time ordering from FC Moto..I'll definitely be back.
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