Casa Marques F Forma Forma Slam Dry Sabates impermeables de motocicleta Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Forma Slam Dry Sabates impermeables de motocicleta

Forma Slam Dry Sabates impermeables de motocicleta

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 14
Avaluació mitjana: 4,4
1 Deutsch 4 English 2 Français 1 Català 4 Italiano 1 中国 totes
Ottimo da acquistare.
Scarpa confortevole, adatta per guidare e passeggiare, protegge il malleolo.
Non eccessivamente calda durante l'estate.
Perfect for commuting
Got the usual size, fits perfectly, slightly heavy but protections come in weight doesn't it.
Robuste et léger
chaussures confortables et résistantes en plus elles sont étanches.
Molt bon producte
Comodes y resistents
They are but nothing special
They are but nothing special
Comodissime, ottimi materiali. Manca protezione leva cambio ma ciò nasconde la natura tecnica per un uso a360 gradi. Non testata l.impermeabilità' per mancanza di occasioni umide. Pianta larga. Consigliate.
very good
on my second pair now . These ones are over two years old and still going well. I wear these every day in the office and on my daily commute. Very dry in heavy rain and not too hot in the summer.
Na ja...
der erste Qualitätseindruck fällt eher bescheiden aus. Die mitgelieferten Einlegesohlen, rutschen ständig hin- und her. Das
Ärgert mich richtig, ich hab die Sohlen jetzt weggeschmissen. Ansonsten sind irgendwie richtig warm die Teile
Top casual city boot
This boot is very comfortable and also remains dry in heavy rain. The leather looks high quality and remains in good condition despite heavy usage. I have several boots and this one has become my favourite as it combines looks, comfort and some protection.
Удобные, еще бы носок усилить защитой было бы прекрасно