Casa REBAIXES % Motocicleta Botes Racing Gaerne G-RW Racing Botes de moto Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Gaerne G-RW Racing Botes de moto

Gaerne G-RW Racing Botes de moto
  • 199,90 €
    159,92 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Membrana DRYTECH impermeable i transpirable
    • Sistema GAERNE FLOATING per seguretat i flexibilitat
    • Obertures de ventilació lateral

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* Camps obligatoris
Nombre d'avaluacions: 7
Avaluació mitjana: 4,1
1 Deutsch 1 English 2 Русский язык totes
Too tight. They do not fit. They are equivalent to a size 40. Not a 42. I know this as my Alpine Star boots are 42 and fit well.
Up to you but I am not happy and will return these to you.
Feeling robbed by an internet scam.
A full refund is sought.
Worst boots I have ever tried to fit. If I were at your store and able to try these I would reject them immediately. Please see my email sent directly. Takes a long time to get from Germany to New Zealand. Especially as NZ customs are very very thorough. Which means slow
Thank you.
Royce Timms.
Очень хорошие
Маломерки!!! 42 как 41,5. Мне подошли идеально.
Очень хорошие ботинки, удобные, кожа мягкая, брал на размер больше сели идеально
Alles top. Sehr bequem.
good. but it could be better.
foot fit good. it seems to be secure even though I have not felt down or crashed yet.
upper edge need something to tie up because it does not fit very well. it leave some space between the boot and leg.
it is cool. not for winter season.
very good price.
Отличные ботинки
Взял себе на первый сезон, долго выбирал, остановился на них. Не подвели. Удобные, практичные. Было одно падение, хорошо отработали. Второй сезон начинаю в них