Casa Marques R Rukka Guants Rukka Virve Gore-Tex Guants de moto de senyores Avaluacions

Avaluacions de clients per a Rukka Virve Gore-Tex Guants de moto de senyores

Rukka Virve Gore-Tex Guants de moto de senyores
  • 159,95 €
    127,96 €
    Us estalvieu 20 %
    • Sensibilitat de Tacte superior control perfecte amb tecnologia de Gore-Tex X-TRAFIT
    • Totalment d'aigua -, paravent i transpirable tèxtil guants amb material elàstic
    • Artells, escafoides i dit protecció

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Nombre d'avaluacions: 7
Avaluació mitjana: 4,7
1 Deutsch 3 English 1 Suomi 1 Русский язык totes
Hyvät ajohansikkaat
Hyvä malli, riittävän pitkät ranteista, ja pitävät vettä.
So far using these gloves only in summer. Still I am very happy with purchase. They are very good looking and great quality gloves. Did not tried for waterproofing, recommend anyway.
Great gloves
Comfortable and light
Alles Tip Top
Super angenehm, komplette Bewegungsfreiheit, super Wasser dicht, und die Größe ist auch passgenau. Eben Rukka.
So far so good.
I have only had a few week, so I am breaking them in. I was out in heavy rain last week and had dry hands afterwards (which is to be expected from rukka gloves) I had a pair of rukka r stars before this and these are definitely thiner, it's yet to be determined how well they do on winter, but so far so good.
pretty god
rubber dots on the finger tips fell off after few days, it is still very god gloves, and we keep them. we was offered too send them back but we would use them in the summer time and think it was too much work to send them back.